New Painer Person..

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New member
Jun 15, 2013
Hi to y'all.

New to this forum...not to the Fibro.

It's been a long time since I've been in a support group. Most of some of those groups are long gone.

I woke up up this morning with incredible chills and a pain level so high I thought I'm gonna be in bed all day but when the meds started to do their thing I was up and about again. My doctor is a saint but before I could go to him again I had to win my disability and get the right insurance lined up.

Most fibro folks have some interesting stories from our pain experiences in a clinic setting...I am not without my share....where did "Do no harm" go in some of those clinics.

I'm one of those painers where it is physically dangerous for me to be untreated. A trip to an urgent care showed me there is some hope for us plus the dangers of under treated pain. It's been a long trip on this rocky road. whew...That's just a little on my story.
Most fibro folks have some interesting stories from our pain experiences in a clinic setting...I am not without my share....where did "Do no harm" go in some of those clinics.

I'm one of those painers where it is physically dangerous for me to be untreated. A trip to an urgent care showed me there is some hope for us plus the dangers of under treated pain. It's been a long trip on this rocky road. whew...That's just a little on my story.

Hi Lotacats... glad you found the forum and I hope it will be helpful to be able to speak with others going through the same pain issues.

I'm not sure what you mean by physically dangerous to be untreated... if you care to tell more of that story, I'm all ears (and quite nosy!) :lol:
Hello, and welcome. I agree with mariposa...what do you mean by physically dangerous?
Glad to have you here!
Welcome. I am also new. I'm new to fibro myself, but familiar with the disease as my sister-in-law has had it since 1996.

I'm with the others. I"m a nurse and I have no idea what you mean by physically dangerous to be untreated.
Ok...sorry a couple of days late here.. Thank you for responding..
I imagine that sounded strange but it is. You know how some folks

say fun things like "pain never killed anyone", "tuff it out" and

on and on. We've heard a lot of those.

My doc and I were working with T#3's for quite awhile....the pain

issues seem to keep growing. One day I felt "wrong"...I took my

blood pressure and it was flying over the 210/120 mark. My chest

felt like a disco was going on in there. My normal blood pressure

has always been a "baby" blood pressure like 90/60 or

110/60...always around in there. So...scared me in a big way..

My doc wasn't in and they suggested ER if I was really afraid. I

went to an Urgent care and told them my heart was flip flopping all

over the place and about the blood pressure...I was sure the flip

flopping heart was just PVC's (a fairly benign arrythmia) but not

this I said it felt wrong. Those guys at urgent care

worked really fast...I was checked out, went over the pain

management and other meds...EKG done and they were pvc's...just

tons of 'em. The diagnosis was under treated!

How often do you run into a doctor who knows enough about chromic

pain to even come up with that? Anyway...he gave me a bunch of

Vicadins until I could get with my doc. 2 of those brought my

blood pressure back down to it's normal real quick and in a hurry.

and the pvc's stopped cold.

By dangerous I'm thinking strokes. I'm 70 and that just scares the

hell out of me.

My doctor and I put our heads together and went for long acting

keeping the T3's for more shoter acting stuff. Controlling a

dangerously high bp means keeping the pain level down. You think

of the body on red alert all of the time and stress is going to be

playing heck with your body.

The hope I mentioned was that an Urgent Care doc recognizing

chronic pain as real and potentually dangerous. Instead of being

looked at +
with that look some of have come to know. I keep bp records for my


I've discussed this with others before and several were having high

blood presures out of nowhere and have kept quiet. Having known a

lot of the horror stories about lots of chronic painers being

treated as a drug seeker Ad nauseam. Makes you wonder if people

that are not treated end up with secondary problems they may not

know is related to their pain.

Ok...the long acting med is MSContin. Very quiet drug and works

well in the background with no crappy side effects. I don't even

notice it's there. My blood pressure is more stable now with some

spikes and my T3's drop it as much as 30 to 40 points.

Anyway that "can't kill you" stuff really raises my hackles. Our

kind of pain gets treated with way too light an attitude at had me suffering way more years then it should have. I

had to file for disability no thanks to the clinic docs to even get

treated. There were some good docs that showed interest but some

others....any I could get back to my old doc I know and he knows me

and that I'm not fooli' around...we started a regular pain

management in '99.

The story about "The Beast" is another long winded story. We still

don't have a clinical name for it. My doc likes that name. I know

"The Beast" is neuro but don't know if it's related to the fibro.
I am sorry you had to go through all that but things sound a bit better at the moment. Stay optimistic and take care of yourself!
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