Newbie to forums ☺️


New member
Sep 23, 2024
Hi everyone 👋,

My name is Hayley & I'm new to forums never used one lol 🤣😂.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia & Osteoarthritis nearly a year ago in 2023 but was having symptoms & always ill from 2021 until they finally diagnosed me. I also have Anxiety,Endometriosis, Asthma & other bits going on haha 😄.

I thought I would come on here & see what it's about & talk to others that are going through the same condition or other conditions, as there isn't really anywhere or anybody to chat to, get advice, rant etc....

Just to say if people do talk to me or reply to something I wrote if I take a few days to answer I apologise now as I'm always fatigued & sleeping 😴 or just in a blooming loads of pain so bear with me I will talk to you it's just me 😁.

Well as I said I'm chronically fatigued, always in pain, my hands & feet are always swelled, I get spasms in my left side leg, hand & top of my arm which is a new thing. I do struggle to hold stuff with my hands always dropping stuff 🙄. I get headaches/migraines most days, tingling, numbness it different parts of my body & also bad brain fog.

I have noticed I have started to get worse of the last 5 months more pain & more symptoms, I'm now struggling to get about most days 😏.

I actually after 11 months got my Rheumatology Occupational Therapist this morning, this was discuss if I had got worse, how I'm mobilising & if I need any mobile aids in the home. She concluded I need a few aids around the house like rail bars, bath board, toilet frame as other bits so this should help me loads fingers crossed 🤞.

Anyways that me finished ranting about me lmao 🤣 🤪.

Looking forward to talking to you all & finding out about you have a fab evening all 😊.

Hayley outta here 😄.
Hi Haley and welcome to the forum.
Feel free to come here and rant any time you want to....we all do that at times, and you will get lots of support.

Feel free also to ask questions. No one here is a doctor but we can always tell you what we do that helps us. While there's no one thing that helps everyone, it's always interesting to hear the experiences of others so you have ideas of things you can try, or things you want to stay away from.

I hope the forum is helpful to you.
Hi @blckw1dow

Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

It's not uncommon for people to be slow in responding, fog and tiredness is pretty much across the board on here.

I'm pleased you found the forums and found the courage to join. I'm sure you will find it supportive.

I've found a lot of stress/anxiety/depression has lessened, pretty much gone, just by simply understanding that a lot of my issues are "normal" with fibro. It lowers the frustration as I learn to just go with it.

My head is a bit blah tonight, but I just wanted to say welcome.

Hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗