Pain after a fall on concrete porch

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Sep 14, 2020
Hello all! I hope everyone is having a blessed day. I have a question, that maybe you all can help me with. I have had Fibro/Condrititis for many years. I had been flaring and instead of Motrin my doctor wants to put me on Celebrex. I’m not sure about this medication and was wondering if it helped anyone here. I’m afraid of medicine to be honest. I don’t like to take new meds if I can help it. He just doesn’t want the Motrin to mess with my kidneys. Also, on Monday I was at my mother-in-laws home and we were taking pics of my one year old granddaughter on her porch. The porch is a slate/concrete porch. It is not very high off the ground. We decided to let our baby sit on the little edge and dangle her feet but as soon as I sat her down she started to move and it scared me so bad she would fall and get hurt that I reached for her and fell myself, I went down on my right knee and rolled and fell onto my back. I didn’t even realize I was falling until I was hurting so bad on my knee. I have a scrape on it but the knee is ok. However, around my ribs today (third day) is so sore and agitated like it is when I am in a fibro flare. My husband is a football trainer and has said I have just aggravated everything from the impact on my back and side. Anyone else had a fall and it aggravate your fibro. Just looking for some answers. Thank you so much. This forum is amazing.
hello sdoss, any kind of fall or other injury can have a worse affect on your whole system if you have fibro than if you do not, and that is definitely part of having fibro. Things just hurt worse much of the time. But if it continues to feel bad long after the actual injury has healed or should have healed, it is best to seek medical attention in case something else is going on.

As for Celebrex, there are people who will tell you it is great and others who will tell you to stay away from it no matter what. You don't have any way to know how it will affect you. If you don't want to take new meds, don't. Switch to some other pain medication OTC that won't affect your kidneys.

And, there are many many other things you can do to ease the symptoms of fibro that do not involve taking medication at all. I wrote some down in one post and if you have not already I suggest you read it and start trying out some of those things. Give other things a really good solid try for several months before you decide to go on a new medication. You may find you don't need the medication at all.

I have to agree with sunkacola - if you are still hurting several days later, it might be a good idea to get things checked out. it is possible you cracked a rib or maybe pulled a muscle or something. Falls can do strange things.

also agree with the medications comment... I would look into something else OTC for general pain relief.. sadly, most will mess with the kidneys, or liver... Tylenol seems to be about the only one that doesn't, but even that is bad for you if you over use it. Aspirin maybe? I dont know..
Celebrex is an nsaid, and that will mess with your kidneys, and liver, just like ibuprofen will (Motrin, Advil, etc)

If you ever want to know pretty much anything about a given medication - even OTCs; what it is used for, dosing info, side effects, etc, there is website called it will give you more information than you could ever want, LOL
Fibro/Condrititis for many years
What kind of chondritis is that? If it's costochondritis (= rib chondritis) rather than osteochondritis (= bone), that'd increase the pain from a fall on the ribs even more. Are you doing exercises for it?
Celebrex. I’m not sure about this medication and was wondering if it helped anyone here.
I got strong side effects from it and a similar COX-2 inhibitor, itchy rashes all over, didn't help my pain. But that is a rare side effect and it does seem to help some. It's not often prescribed for fibro, but for general pain.
He just doesn’t want the Motrin to mess with my kidneys.
Celebrex is an nsaid, and that will mess with your kidneys, and liver, just like ibuprofen will (Motrin, Advil, etc)
Both are NSAIDs. However celecoxib/Celebrex and other COX-2-inhibitors seem to "offer an improved renal safety profile in patients at risk for NSAID-induced renal toxicity" because "celecoxib inhibits COX-2 and spares COX-1 at therapeutic doses" (Renal safety and tolerability of celecoxib, a novel cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, 2000). So his reasoning will be that it's less bad for your kidneys.

Whatever, you could use it and look for further alternatives from supps and exercises etc. at the same time.
Anyone else had a fall and it aggravate your fibro.
it is possible you cracked a rib or maybe pulled a muscle or something.
In my experience and from what I've read, bruising your ribs takes more than 6 weeks to stop hurting, whilst cracking or breaking ribs doesn't hurt much and doesn't need treatment. I used to like doing both (as a cyclist) :rolleyes:.

Now I've got more and more careful how I move. Since fibro even more, because I hurt as if I've fallen or had a very bad accident anyway. So I take extreme care not to fall and at the same time I know how to tumble best and practice this most times I get up or sit/go down, so I would be able to buffer the falls as much as possible.
But a situation like yours can always happen, there are times when we just can't put ourselves first.

In case you want any ideas what could help, I'd be using heat / cold alternately plus arnica cream on the most affected regions, extremely careful but regular stretches and exercises if in any way possible (only if the pain increases while I'm doing them, but not if that lingers on after for more than a minute or two). And for the overall ache: lots of rest and me personally... cold showers to numb and reset the pain sensitivity, or at least cold washing (personally I hate the long cold from ice packs).
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