Hello vida,
I would agree with michella2, walking is good exercise.
Light yardwork or gardening which you use tools like a rake and hoe, and a shovel.
Raking is good exercise for your shoulders and arms, and you can stop and sit down every so often. The hoe action is forward light chopping movements that exercises your shoulders in a different direction.
As for gardening I have a small area in front of my house and behind it for vegetable plants. I water them and stoop over and bend at the waist to pull a few weeds or water the garden. I can't bend my knees and get down on the ground because I don't have enough strength in my arms to push myself up., so I bend at the waist and do the best I can.
As far as the shovel is concerned use it sparingly but you can plant flowers or other plants without getting down on the ground.
I sometimes shovel snow off my sidewalk if the snow is light and fluffy. If the snow is wet and heavy my neighbors help me.
Riding a bike is good gentle exercise. Playing with children in the yard or park areas. Walking a dog. Just walking up and down your steps at home can help keep your knees limber. Doing dishes and running the sweeper and sweeping with a broom. Dusting your house or mopping a floor. Carrying in groceries. Going fishing or short hikes in the woods.
I think sometimes we are fooled into thinking that exercise must involve exercise equipment or be done at a fast pace, but truthfully exercise is keeping your body moving in such a way that it moves your muscles in different parts of your body and keeps you limber and strong.
My arms are really weak, so any playtime that involves raising my arms up is a no no for me. The pain is bad and they feel super heavy and weak if I even try to hang curtains. It is important not to over do, just do things slow and easy.
I hope this helps some. I am sure other folks here have good ideas as well. Hope you had a good day.