

Active member
Aug 11, 2024
It's been a bit since I have popped in here. I hope y'all don't mind if I ask a couple of questions, anyway. I'm in need of some advice and out of the box type of solutions. I live with fibromyalgia as well as severe osteoarthritis. My diagnosis for both was back in 1995. Since then, I have had two knee replacements due to the OA causing deformation of the knee. I also have bone spurs on my spine. Just a couple. That's my background. :)

I'm in a state that has legalized marijuana, all of the way. I tried the gummies and did not like them. Same with brownies. I prefer being able to control how much of the high, I am getting at the time. Thus smoking is suggested. Just marijuana, not cigarettes. Well, I am also from the 60's and 70's, so yeah, I remember how to do that. For quite a few years I used Advil and Aleve, taking them only at night and with food. But I just ended up trading one problem for another, resulting in constipation from the tablets. So for a couple of years now, I have not taken either.
I do take Benedryl at night. I have allergies. The other allergy meds are not suggested for folks over 65 and I found out why. After a while with Claritin, I could not recall my daughter's name. Something I never did before, or since.
What is really getting to me right now, is the night after night of interrupted sleep. Starting the night out with up every hour. Okay, go to the bathroom since you're awake anyway... I can average 4-6 times a night. I have an adjustable bed with a mountain of padding on top of the mattress. Yet I still get pain and have to switch back and forth from the bed to the recliner. I have tried numerous mattresses, and even an air mattress, which is fine during the summer months, but cold during the winter months.
I need some help. I need some sleep. Good sleep. I'm thinking I'm going to try smoking a joint tonight, to see if that helps. What I have read, is that it can help a little with the inflammation, definitely the pain. What I also read, is that the side effects of Advil are better on your body that living with untreated pain from inflammation.
I've done prescriptions in the past. The side effects were worse. Don't want to do prescription meds again. Any other ideas??
I fully empathize with your situation, as I have chronic problems with sleep myself. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what will work for you. But I and others here can tell you what we have tried and what is helpful for us.

Some people swear by magnesium spray and/or tablets taken before bed
A memory foam mattress has helped me...I have a 2" one I got from Amazon and I love it!
Make sure you really like your pillow(s).
I use marijuana at night to help me sleep. I actually find it is easier to regulate the amount I get by using gummies, and of course smoking is bad for a person, but you use it in the form that helps you.
Some people say that combining CBD with THC is also helpful. The gummies and tinctures I use always have CBD and CBG in them as well, and that works better for me than just the THC.
Avoiding any screens for an hour before bed is usually recommended
You could try guided meditation, or just listening to relaxing music before you go to bed.

Hopefully others here will chime in with other suggestions for you as well.
I actually did try the memory foam and could hardly get out of it. LOL Which I understand can be an issue for folks with arthritis and older.
For me, the issue is not about going to sleep. It's staying asleep.
@Buckle From you OP and your response to @sunkacola I take away that you are looking for non-prescription supplements to help you sleep better. It seems you are NOT looking for advice on sleep hygiene or supplies like mattresses, pillows, etc. So I will focus my response on supplements only.

Please be advised that these are recommendations only and that you should consult with your physician regarding any interactions with existing medications and health conditions. This is absolutely essential. Medications and supplements for sleep can be dangerous and even fatal in some cases. Also, whatever you try, always start at the lowest possible dose and increase in small increments as needed. Stop once you have found the dose that works for you.

I don't like to recommend smoking marijuana, personally, because of damage to the lungs; potential for psychological addiction and potential for cognitive problems, especially memory. However, although I have not yet tried it myself for pain, I would recommend a medical marijuana tincture as it is easiest to dose without overdoing it.

All of the above being taken into consideration, I would recommend at bedtime:

1. A deep sleep promoter: magnesium, 300-900 mg. If you already take magnesium, you may want to use 100 mg at bedtime instead. If you don't, start at 300 mg. If you want, you can reduce the capsule to 100 mg and add a magnesium oil spray, 4-6 pumps applied topically. I recommend the Ancient Minerals brand.

An added benefit of magnesium is that it can help with your constipation. If you have loose stools, cut back on the magnesium.

2. A sedative: melatonin is the only non-script supplement I recommend. Start at 3 mg and increase as needed.

3. A SNS blocker (drugs that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system): There are no supplements in this category that I know of, but you may already be taking an alpha- or beta- blocker. Other types of SNS blockers are muscle relaxants like tizanidine, antiadrenergics like clonidine and antipsychotics like ziprasidone. But these are all prescription medicines.

Individuals with sleep problems usually require a deep sleep promoter, and some may need a sedative and/or SNS blocker as well. So, I would suggest starting with magnesium only. Then, if that is not helping enough, adding in melatonin.

If I misunderstood your question, the type of answer you were looking for, let me know and I will respond again.

Also, getting up 4-6 times per night to urinate is always going to leave you with sleep issues, particularly not getting enough deep sleep. For arguments sake, I am going to assume that you have already talked with your urologist about this and are on appropriate medication.

Best of luck, my friend. Hugs!
Thank you for taking the time to provide a thorough reply. I appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Your assumption of looking for non-prescription sleep aids is correct. I am open to suggestions on everything else as well. Perhaps another post? The only supplements that I take are B-12 and Vitamin D. Most people that live in the central states of the US suffer from vitamin D deficiency, so that is quite common. I am of the age where B-12 is considered beneficial, and to be honest, I can tell the days that I take my B-12 and the days I neglected to take them. I have allergies, indoor and out. I am over 65, so the only "safe" OTC allergy tablet for my age is Benedryl. Even with that, I only take one at night, since they make me sleepy. Even without Benedryl, I have no problem what so ever, falling asleep. It's staying asleep. Which brings me to melatonin. I know that it can help you fall asleep. If an extended release, then melatonin can also help you stay asleep. On the other hand, I am not comfortable with the possible side effects of using the supplement, even low dose and brief. Again, "age".
The possible side effects from magnesium also concern me. I tried it when I was younger, but did not notice any changes. therefore, why take something you do not get results from. Might be different now, but with my mother having had kidney cancer and my father having heart issues, I think I will skip the magnesium. My intention is not to shoot down everything you have recommended. Only to "tick the box" so to speak. I've been dealing with this for over 30 years. I've even tried essential oils, and so many herbs. Do be careful if you use Valerian root. A muscle relaxant can also relax the heart, a muscle.
Regarding smoking marijuana. I am a retired social worker. During the last part of my career, I worked with folks with addictions. We did lots of research and application. I realize that smoking just one "joint" can equal, in the lungs, smoking 5 cigarettes. Though the lungs begin to heal within weeks, when you cease to smoke cigarettes, it can take years to fully heal. When I have used marijuana, maybe once or twice a year, all I smoke is maybe 3-4 "hits". Once I feel my muscles begin to relax, I stop. That is why I have chosen to smoke (not vape); so I control when and how much. Plus it is immediate. Thank you for your concern. I share the same concern with smoking anything!
Last evening, I weighed "Advil vs. marijuana". I just really did not want the side effects of the Advil, so I chose to light up instead. It had been a while. Plus this time, I opted for a pre-rolled "joint". The last time I purchased from the dispensary, the marijuana "went bad" before I used it all. Yes, it can mold. After about 4 "hits", I was done. Put it out, like the folks at the dispensary suggested. And it's back in the container. Wasn't even half of the "joint". My muscles relaxed, and I got a decent nights sleep. Not something I wish to do every night, but once in a while, when I just cannot take anymore, I will use it again. Before I retired, I had many patients with MS. They swore by it, but had to buy illegally. I was so happy, when our state passed the bill making it legal here. Now it's a safe product to purchase at a safe place.
There are so many alternatives to meds, but as you well know, some days you just don't have the energy to practice them. Proper foods? But someone has to cook them. Sometimes you don't have the place either. I love Yoga Nidra and it was suggested to me by a therapist. Definitely works for sleep. But when you are married and share a bed and bedroom, some times you don't have the option. Especially when you are retired and he isn't!
Again, thank you for your reply. I hope I have not bored you with my response. Gentle hugs to you as well.
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Proper foods? But someone has to cook them. Sometimes you don't have the place either. I love Yoga Nidra and it was suggested to me by a therapist. Definitely works for sleep. But when you are married and share a bed and bedroom, some times you don't have the option. Especially when you are retired and he isn't!
Just a couple of case they might be helpful.

I also struggle with having the energy to cook, and I don't like to cook either. So I buy, usually from Costco, things like pre-marinated salmon filets, and foods that I can just heat up or microwave. Frozen vegetables that I can just heat up, roasted potatoes that I can microwave, and so on. I can, by using these things, put a healthy balanced meal in front of myself in less than 10 minutes, and I don't have to stand there chopping things up or spend any time thinking about it. Sure, it costs a little bit more, and I live on a strict budget. But I think it's more than worth it because otherwise I often wouldn't eat at all or would just live on bread and cheese or something. You can find, at places like Costco and Trader Joes, food that is fast to heat up and that is still very healthy to eat.

And can you maybe do the Yoga Nidra in another room, maybe on the couch, so as not to disturb your spouse, and then get up and go to bed afterwards?
@Buckle My pleasure! Sorry I could not help you.

If you take Benadryl at bedtime then you should NOT also take melatonin. Both are sedatives and can be dangerous when combined. Frankly, I would be more concerned with the side effects of long-term diphenhydramine (Benadryl), which has been substantially associated with increased risk for dementia.

Magnesium is an essential element that is involved in many crucial functions of the human body. Many of us get enough from foods. Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by our bodies, usually in response to darkness. Benadryl is a synthetic drug. I have thoroughly researched all three and have come to the conclusion that diphenhydramine is the most dangerous in terms of side effects both short and long term. I could give you other suggestions but they are all drugs and you expressed that you are averse to taking medication. I hope that you find something to help you sleep throughout the night or someone else who can offer suggestions.

@sunkacola Due to my fibromyalgia and arthritis, I also struggle chopping vegetables, holding pots, stirring, mixing, etc, etc. What I have done is 1) purchased items to make cooking easier (e.g. food processor, electric can opener, lightweight dishes, jar openers, etc...and 2) cook large batches in my slow cooker, then portion and freeze them. So I don't have to eat the same thing every night - though I do have some flexibility with side dishes - I always keep 2-3 varieties of individually frozen homemade entrees in the freezer. This works great for me because I do enjoy cooking and I also know that I am eating healthier (I used to buy premade frozen meals). This still may not be something you can do, but I did want to share with you and anyone else who has trouble preparing healthy meals. It does sound like you have already found a way to eat healthy that works for you.

Hugs everyone!
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Good thoughts on cooking. I do enjoy cooking, just have to do it throughout the day. We don't have a Costco or Trader Joe's here. I do like your suggestions. Now I just need to adapt them for my tastes and availability. Will ponder on that. Check in to other stores. Thanks.

Usually when I do Yoga Nidra, I fall Not suppose to. I can fall asleep anywhere, any time. Staying asleep is the issue. I wonder if the Yoga Nidra might not help my husband. He has difficulty falling asleep. Maybe if I turned it on, in our room, I could introduce him to it, and him not even realize what I was doing. :sneaky:
Thanks for the help.
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They are still on the fence about the connection of Benedryl and dementia. Depends on what study you read. I only take one. Last night when I decided on the weed, I skipped the Benedryl.
Also read your cooking tips to sunkacola. Good ideas. I have tried batch cooking. A friend is a big supporter of batch cooking and suggested that I try that. I don't care for leftovers, and when I tried batch cooking, I felt like they were leftovers. My grandfather hated leftovers too! ?? Part of the issue here, is that my husband is a Cook. When he gets home, he usually isn't that hungry, if at all. So, I have started cooking smaller dinners, and also things I enjoy eating specifically. I have also done a chart on myself, regarding energy levels throughout the day. So, if I start working on dinner in the morning, I can better prepare the foods. I use pockets of time throughout the day. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee myself, a good morning. So, I end up ordering in!
Thanks for the help and information. Much appreciated!
I wish I could order in! I'd do that a few days a week, I think, if I could. but I live much too far from town for such a thing to be possible. Consider yourself lucky if you can do that. :)
I wish I could order in! I'd do that a few days a week, I think, if I could. but I live much too far from town for such a thing to be possible. Consider yourself lucky if you can do that. :)
Oh I do! Can get costly though, if you're not careful.