Scary throat issues

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New member
Sep 18, 2015
I have been dealing with a throat issue which includes hoarse voice, feeling like I need to swallow often but the throat doesn't feel like it is swallowing normal and sometimes I end up coughing. It is like there is a lump in the throat and the throat is closing up. Also, I have excess mucus like post nasal drip and can't figure out what is going on. I have had this to a minor degree past few years but last few months has been very bad. And yes it is causing me anxiety. Any thoughts?
Hi Holly, welcome to the forum, we are glad to meet you.

The thoat issue sounds like something you should see the doctor about. Try not to worry though - that won't help (I know, easier said than done)
Welcome. I use a nose spray called I would wake up because I had stopped breathing , due to post nasal dip and clogged up throat.
It's very good and stopped it happening. As for the sore throat I've been in hospital a few times. It's horrid when u can swallow .id go see a Dr as DK says x
There was a time, 2 yrs ago I had a very bad sore throat, they took one culture, and I was Not cionvinced, so.....they took another, negative on that one too. I left feeling the same, and getting a ass chewing for not going to her sooner, I was confused by the end of the day.
I really appreciate the replies. I have an appointment to go see the gastroenterologist and an allergist at the end of this month. Although today I received a recommendation to see a doctor that is an ENT/allergist combined so I may switch my allergist appointment to him instead. I am having severe post nasal drip and I have a friend who told me that her post nasal drip is severe like mine and sometimes she feels like she has something caught in the throat and other times that she can't swallow normally. This along with the replies on this forum has helped me be less anxious until the doctor appointments. Thanks!
Hey try not worry I have had this same problem off n on for years. I found hot tea helps with relaxation helps calm throat . I have stomach issues. And aniexty. U ever been tested for h pylori ? Nasty bug causes all kind of problems u wouldn't believe . Have doc check out your thyroid too makes sure tests everything a lot time they don't test t 3 levels n it's the culprit . It will make u have throat issues . Hope ur feeling better :)
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