so many years I don't know how long

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New member
Feb 25, 2013
I have had physical problems for as far back as I can remember ..... as a result have suffered neck pain, (2 surgeries) back pain, many areas. IBS (3 abdominal surgeries) 5 bowel obstructions. Chronic fatigue, chronic pain in most areas of body.
I feel for you. >: I also am diagnosed with IBS and that causes multiple problems at once. I have also become lactose intolerant since being ill.

If you've genuinely been experiencing chronic pain and fatigue, ask your doctor about Fibromyalgia and any linking illnesses. Bring it up to them. The sooner you find out the source of your issues, the sooner you can begin to manage your symptoms and earn a better quality of life. That is if you have not been formally diagnosed already. You didn't mention it in your small profile or introductory post here.

My Rheumatologist prescribes me Lyrica, a medicine that combats Fibromyalgia symptoms at the core by calming the firing of nerves. It has worked MIRACLES for my pain, vomiting/abdominal issues, fainting, and more. I recommend having a long talk with your PCP about your symptoms and see if that may be right for you.
Lactose intolerant and IBS, I assumed they went almost hand in hand. Oh the evils of dairy (but what would I do without cream in my coffee and ice cream with my pie). :)
I am sorry to hear you have so much pain and fatigue. I hope we can provide some comfort to you as the days go by. If you look around the forum you will discover lots of ideas from other members on dealing with pain and fatigue, in many ways.

I look forward to reading your postings and reading your opinions on the different topic's.

Make your self to home and I think you will find we are a very friendly bunch of folks.
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