Sometimes My Pain Seems to Come on Quickly, but this is Sometimes False


Jan 5, 2025
Fibromyalgia Pain Coming on Quickly

I have hurt so much, for so long, and have tried to keep on living that sometimes I feel like a pain has come on quickly. But, in reality, I’ve been hurting for hours, and I’m so used to hurting that I suddenly realize that the pain has increased to a point that I can no longer bear it. Then, I think back over my actions and words for the past hours and realize that I have been hurting for a long time. Sometimes it sneaks up on me and has to become really bad for me to realize that I need to take action.

One thing that I told my children when they were teenagers, if I start fussing at you, and you feel that it is not reasonable for you to receive my poor attitude, that you haven’t done anything worthy of being gripped at, then say to me, “Mom, are you hurting?” So many times, that’s when I stop and take account of my mind, body, and soul. Most of the time, I find that the answer is, “Yes, I am hurting.” I apologize for my outburst; they are quick to forgive (God Bless Them), and I go do whatever I need to do to help myself feel better. It’s one way my family supports me, and we, together, manage this horrible illness that has invaded our family.

God bless all of us who deal with Fibromyalgia on a daily basis. God bless our families as they travel this road with us. We didn’t ask for this, but this is our reality.

Hope this helps someone like me !
I have hurt so much, for so long, and have tried to keep on living that sometimes I feel like a pain has come on quickly. But, in reality, I’ve been hurting for hours, and I’m so used to hurting that I suddenly realize that the pain has increased to a point that I can no longer bear it. Then, I think back over my actions and words for the past hours and realize that I have been hurting for a long time. Sometimes it sneaks up on me and has to become really bad for me to realize that I need to take action.
I totally understand that. It happens to me too.
Wow, reading this made me consider my own pain! I often am in a lot of pain, and at times it is so much worse but I didn’t realize it had been progressing until it is excruciating! I feel pain everyday, some parts worse than others, but all over body pain is constant. I wish I had asked my son to watch for my attitude like your kids have, we may have gotten a long better at times had we both realized what was happening. Luckily he is very forgiving and I can explain it to him now.

I’m so grateful for this forum and what I have learned from everyone.
Have you tried any specific relaxation techniques or gentle exercises, like yoga or stretching, to help reduce the intensity of sudden pain? Sometimes grounding myself with slow, deep breathing can help me ride through those moments.
I used to do hot yoga and Pilates, however it became too expensive to maintain. These days I’m being treated for various things, such as severe neck pain and migraines so it makes it very difficult for me to get motivated to do other things. I’m hopeful that once I’m able to get my neck under control it will help with the migraines and I’ll be able to function again.