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New member
Oct 23, 2017
After my initial newby thread I was diagnosed in November which seemed too easy after all the things I had read. I ended up getting a second opinion from rhumy. I filled out the standard fibro pain form, however he doesn't like the term Fibromyalgia because it was a trash can term by so many Dr's so his words were "chronic pain syndrome, called fibromyalgia in some circles" LOL.

After being diagnosed things coincidentally became really crazy. I went from pain in muscle areas to almost all joint pain with accompanying muscle pain. I was also introduced to depression. I would say I have been "down" before but this was what I would call a chemical I had never experienced, but it comes and goes in very short interval.

The rhumy gave me flexaril which is my go to when things get crazy. I have always had sleep issues and accompanying headaches when things get stressful so I think that is why the muscle relaxant helps.

My worries are: The amount of muscle fatigue in my back, shoulders and hands. Muscle failure happens just too dang fast anymore. I don't know if this is part of fibro fatigue? I am not fatigued at rest or just sitting at a desk or walking(just the fog really bad). I love to walk. But when it comes to upper body endurance it's practically gone!! I don't even get to the point of breathing heavy before my shoulder muscles and back are at failure.

Also RUQ pain which started shortly after the IBS diagnosis. I have been scoped from every angle, HIDA scan, abdominal ultra sound, blood tests galore...just saw a little GERD and minor hiatel hernia.

My overall impression from rhumy was that this was the beginning of something else and it just doesn't stay fibro. Told me to look out for auto immune stuff. IDK.

Anyway that is my vent for the day!!
Hey flyingWY

I totally see why your doc calls it a trash term.. there are docs that just don't believe in fibro, the docs that diagnose everyone with fibro.. and then the docs that actually believe there is something wrong - IE your doc..

I've had joint pain for years now. but in the last 6mo-1year its gotten super bad.. i think due to the stress/depression. (I never thought depression was a real thing until it hit me..) and my stress level in the past year has gone through the roof.. and thats when my bad(as in ALL the time, and flareups just suck the life out of me) joint pain hit me.

The stress in the past 3 years for me has been terrible (dad diagnosed with cancer, cheating husband, dad passed away, sold house, bought new house, divorced etc etc), honestly the only thing that keeps me going is my 4 yr old. If it wasn't for her, I don't know where I would be.

I'm newer to the draining fatigue, (i always used to wonder why i was worn out so fast) though its really starting to affect me more here in the past few months. I'm not able to play with my little as long anymore - and doing chores/errands on the weekends.. I have to be in a really upbeat mood and have a ton of energy in the AM before i even think about doing anything. Then there is the next day.. completely drained and don't want to move. (and I have to do errands when I don't have my little because doing both I wouldn't last half a day)

Overall since I was told I 'probably' have fibro back in Sept until now(was officially diagnosed in Jan) .. like you said.. its like we pay more attention to our bodies and see how bad its really affected us and notice everything now. (at least I do) :)
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