sudden severe weakness/fatigue

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Does anyone get sudden out of the blue,just soooooo tired it feels like someone pulled the plug on you? I get "attacks" of this,I did alot of cleaning today,then just out of the blue,its like my arms and right leg(the most) are just soooo heavy and tired,trying to eat dinner,they were shaking so bad,,,i dont understand why i get attacks like this...usually it will last for days when i over do,does anyone get this?

yes i do,also i get very rarely now but very severe attacks for no reason lasting 7-10days. during these bad attacks i can barley move a limb,like i am paralysed and my symptoms get worse after. also heat can bring on severe fatigue,i can no longer enjoy a hot soak in the bath as i feel drained and not well after.
it is neurological fatigue,sometimes no matter how much you rest it does not go away till it is ready and is caused by neurological damage.
take good care
Reply to Mich on fatigue

Mich ,i get this especially when it is hot and working in the yard . I'll get the shakes .
Well ive learned that if i sit down and get some small cups of Apple sauce or Pudding and then rest a bit . Its like Hypoglycemia .i think our systems use too much GlycoNutrients that we run out . Find out what time it comes on ,like if your working 1 hour or so . I try to stop and rest every hour or so . Keeping our energy levels up is real important . Orange Juice is problably the bestbut i have GERD and so i cant have it anymore (makes acid in stomach ) . I dont get it for a long time though just an Hour or so . Geo
[QUOTE=MICHELLE40f;49363]Does anyone get sudden out of the blue,just soooooo tired it feels like someone pulled the plug on you? I get "attacks" of this,I did alot of cleaning today,then just out of the blue,its like my arms and right leg(the most) are just soooo heavy and tired,trying to eat dinner,they were shaking so bad,,,i dont understand why i get attacks like this...usually it will last for days when i over do,does anyone get this?[/QUOTE]

I can sure identify. Last time I tried the treadmill at cardiac rehab ... I was going slow and only trying for 20 minutes ... it was like suddenly hitting a wall and I had to stop immediately. It took me a week and a half to recover. I couldn't even get out of bed the rest of that day or the next. Whenever I overdo it, it seems to take soooooo long to recoup any strength.

thanks all....

I am with all of you on this 1,sometimes the attacks are "short lived" ,like i will be ok after a couple of hours,but sometimes,if i over do I am down for a week or two.....thanks again for replying........Michelle
This is totally strange. My energy has been zapped for about 2 weeks now. It has never happened before. I can't pinpoint anything out of the ordinary that I've done to bring this on. I didn't know if it had anything to do with the PLS or not, so I made an appt. with my Primary Care Doctor for tomorrow. I just logged in and I view all these posts on fatigue! This is me to a tee. Boy, do the surprises ever stop coming?

hi judith....

yea what gets me is sometimes there seems to be no answer as to why my fatigue attacks come on,sometimes i know its from over doing it,then sometimes they just hit me like a ton of bricks and i get all frustrated wondering what in the world i did to cause it.:| hope you feel better soon
Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering, for those of you that get these fatigue episodes, did they start at the same time as symptom onset or after a few years?

My mom has been feeling these episodes at least two years before any visible symptom started. She kept complaining to her doctor that she felt wiped out.
Hi,sral ... The sudden exhaustion is only in the last couple of months, but I think the long recovery time from overwork has been there for a couple years. (ALS symptoms started in 2006.)

hi,mine started at same time,it was like i was so tired i couldnt hardly move,almost like paralyzed.
my fatigue also started a few months after the spasms.
in general over doing things and heat can effect it but with rest it gets better.
but i have once in a while fatigue for no reason and no amount of rest helps you just have to wait it out. this is neurological fatigue caused by cns damage.
i can have it for at least 7-10days were i am bedridden,can not move and sleep 20hrs a day. it then takes a number of weeks to recover fully,during this time my symptoms are worse and i can barely walk a few steps.
it was because of these attacks in the begining ms was suspected.
thankfully these attacks are not ofton.i find fatigue is worse than pain and spasms,you can't do anything no matter how much you try.

i hope you are ok michelle,let us know what your doctor says.
take good care.
This is my first bout with extreme fatigue and It's been 4 years since onset of symptoms. I recently started having the cramping in the legs and now this. Oh boy, lots to look forward to, I guess.

Extreme Fatigue

My extreme fatigue seems to come around more often than it used to. I too seem to have it in 7 to 12 day intervals. Some days I don't even feel like getting out of bed and it makes me feel like I am lazy. During these times it makes me feel guilty and depressed because it is harder for me to help my wife with laundry and house chores while she is at work. My neuro calls them flair ups.
Would you all say that when you feel fatigued you feel weak without strength? During these episodes my mom says that she feels without strength. She can still walk she just feels without strenght and she needs to sit down more often.
I describe these bouts as being too tired to move. And they do seem to be coming along more frequently- 7 to 12 days seems about the norm for me, as well. When I get taken out by one of them, I lie where I flop. Sometimes I want to re-position an arm or leg but it is just too much effort.

And when did eating an ice cream cone become an olympic event? LOL, I almost feel like it is time to call the paramedics when I am too tired to eat ice cream!:(
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