suspected fibromyalgia

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we tried to relieve your fears the last time you was posting but nothing convinced you that you really don't sound like you have als.
it sounds like mentally you are still in a bit of a state as you were before.
you said you was not going to come back,what has happened to bring you back to the forum?
me,wright and others tried are best to help you but nothing worked.
have you seen a neuro since your last visit here? did you see a rehumatologist?
i think they suspected fibromyalgia did'nt they.
i really wish i could help you and my heart aches for you and your children so much,but i know nothing said will calm your fears.
you can pm me as you did before if you want,i can only listen and not advise.
i you look back on your last posts there was someone in your home town who did want you to contact them,they said they could help and ran a fibro/support centre.
i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
take care.
hi jattd

i found the post from a while ago of someone who wanted to help you.
as i recall they did suspect fibromyalgia.
did you go back to see the rehumatologist? or neuro?
please contact the person on the post,they may be able to help and support you more as they are in your home town.
we went round and round in circles before trying to help the best we could,but as you said yourself its all down to your anxiety and none of us can convince you you dont have als,not even the neuro's.
i am not saying your not ill or your symptoms are not real,but i do feel you are making them worse.
i really wish there was something i could say or do to help.
do you have any more appointments set up?
please give this person a try,i am not just worried about you but your children as before.
you can pm me anytime.
take good care.

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Katy, Texas USA
Join Date: 2008
Posts: 1


I am new to this forum and am not computer literate enough to know my way around. I would very much like to get in touch with this member. I am the facilitator for a Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain support group in Katy Texas. I would love the opportunity to get in touch with her and offer any help that I can - but I can't figure out how to do it! If someone could please get in touch with me and let me know how to make contact. I'm not sure if it is allowed, but my email address is This woman is in serious need of a buddy and i would like to be that person. Please jttd, if you see this, or if anyone can help me figure out what to do to get to her, please let me know.
Much thanks-Vickie T
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