We rejoined our CSA, just at a half share rather than a full. And it's a good thing, too! It's $425 for 10 weeks, so $42.50 a week. This week we got:
Herbs, 1 bunch each:
Cilantro,Garlic Chives, Sage, Curly Parsley, Mint, Onion Blossoms (use flowers in salads and soups, on baked potatoes, w/butter over steak, in eggs - chives can be used the same ways)
4 Spring Onions, 5 Radishes, 1 small 1/2 pound bunch of REAL baby Carrots (vs. grocery store carrots that have been shaved down), 1 head Green Cabbage, 3 or 4 Beets with Greens
Leafy Greens: 1 bag (butter?) Lettuce, 1 bunch Swiss Chard, 1 bunch Kale
Fruit: 2 Oranges from the Valley
Protein: 1 dozen organic eggs from pastured hens (which is different from "free range" in that they spend the vast majority of their time in a fenced green area, and 1 pound of grass-fed beef cutlets. The eggs are THE largest eggs I have ever seen! They're at least 1.5 times the size of my local grocery's "Large" eggs. These aren't even "extra large" these are JUMBO eggs. We'll definitely be having some omelettes and/or scrambled eggs for dinner this week.
We also bought an add-on of grass fed beef liver, so one night we'll be having liver and spring onions. The farmer that runs the CSA scrounged up a recipe for "Beef Cutlets with Lemon and Sage" which looks pretty darn tasty!
I had about a quart and a half of my raw milk start to go sour. Thankfully, unlike pasteurized milk, when it goes sour it's not done for! Due to its natural healthy bacteria you can just put it in a jar, leave it on the counter and have it clabber, then strain off the whey and you have a semi-tart cream cheese! I haven't done this before, and I'm quite interested to see how it turns out. I'll probably add in some of the garlic chives that I got in my CSA, Yum!