Three Days To Recover

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Active member
Feb 9, 2013
So I do dog sports and I can be on my feet for 3 or 4 days in a row, running dogs in agility, showing dogs, walking around... I wear a pedometer and I usually get 20,000 to 25,000 steps per day on these days.

Last weekend was one of those weekends. I had an awesome time, it was a lot of fun, and my dogs did really well.

I drove home 8 hours on Tuesday... back to work on Wednesday... and I felt like death warmed over Wednesday, and even worse on Thursday. I think once the adrenaline wears off I just totally crash. It amazes me that most people can just bounce back the very next day and get on with life. I cannot.

Today, Friday, I finally feel somewhat better. Still not great, but better.

And this weekend I'm going to torture myself again with a 2 day agility trial. But I love it so much, I just cannot resists. So next week will also be tough.. but Monday, at least, is my day off, so I can sleep most of the day, and sleep helps me most of all.

So, I'm ranting because I have felt so rotten this week. Even while it's the result of something I love to do. :smile:
Wow that is amazing that you can do that! Congrats to you.

Somehow I always feel better when I feel bad because of something I love to do. There is reason behind it, a kind of logic. If I go mad moving furniture around the house and then have to recover for two day then fine.. that's ok.

It's when I've done nothing to deserve it, that what really pisses me off.
If you can deal with paying for it enjoy you doggies. The joy it bring you will offset the pain to some degree.
We have take all the joys we can

good luck for you next show

I think it's great that you can do something you love doing. It is hard going, but I always figure it is good to do things like sports when you can because this illness can stop you in your tracks anytime it wants too. So if you can deal with some discomfort it is best to keep moving.

Today, I really did not want to go outside, but I cook for my mother and she needed her meal. Since she lives close to me it is not a burden, it is a blessing being able to help her. But it mean't dressing warm and wearing boots, and climbing the hill to get to here house. Somedays, the hill is easy and other days it is a real drag. I grit my teeth and force my feet to keep moving till I hit the crest of the hill. But I suffer for it, but mother needs me, like your dogs need you.

I hope your dog show goes well and that your muscles hold up for the long haul to and from, the shows. :)
Thanks for your replies. :) I am back to my pre-show condition now.. which means I'm not dead tired and feel like I've been hit by a truck. Just in the regular pain... which I can deal with.

I agree that when it's something we love to do, it helps out a lot, and makes things more bearable!
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