Thank you all!
I really appreciate your reply's. My nuero did mention Fibrobut also said that she (as I) felt it is more of an illness that is not a real thing in and of itself but more of a label for people that really do have REAL issue's that dont fit in any one box. Meaning that fibro is a real diagnosed but more broad than anything else. Plus, I dont think or know if fibro would have atrophy with it in a muscle you are using.
I really am past the point of thinking that I will ever be back to how I was, or find an illness to cure, or get better, but if I can stay the same as I am today (with pain & issue's And lack of muscles) then I would be truly happy in light of matters. I would take it all day long if I knew that this was as far as it was going. I have really gotten better about thinking its getting worse.
If I could of been or can be a help to anyone, that is wonderful. In light of my situation I really do feel happy and this whole ordeal (albeit in the start was emotionally stunting) has brought me to a place of loving life and my family and living in the moment. NONE of us are promised tomorrow, healthy or not. I feel blessed to have had this great life to 37 regardless of what happens to me in the future. I think the key to happiness is gratitude. When you look at the suffering in the world, how could I ever not be grateful.
I really appreciate your reply's. My nuero did mention Fibrobut also said that she (as I) felt it is more of an illness that is not a real thing in and of itself but more of a label for people that really do have REAL issue's that dont fit in any one box. Meaning that fibro is a real diagnosed but more broad than anything else. Plus, I dont think or know if fibro would have atrophy with it in a muscle you are using.
I really am past the point of thinking that I will ever be back to how I was, or find an illness to cure, or get better, but if I can stay the same as I am today (with pain & issue's And lack of muscles) then I would be truly happy in light of matters. I would take it all day long if I knew that this was as far as it was going. I have really gotten better about thinking its getting worse.
If I could of been or can be a help to anyone, that is wonderful. In light of my situation I really do feel happy and this whole ordeal (albeit in the start was emotionally stunting) has brought me to a place of loving life and my family and living in the moment. NONE of us are promised tomorrow, healthy or not. I feel blessed to have had this great life to 37 regardless of what happens to me in the future. I think the key to happiness is gratitude. When you look at the suffering in the world, how could I ever not be grateful.
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