Hello Everyone,
I have had a rough 6 months. I still don't know what I have, but I do have something. I have not been to a neurologist yet, but I will be going soon. I was wondering whether these symptoms might be symptoms of ALS. I have read a lot of posts on this forum. What is unclear to me is mainly this:
Can weakness in the arms (or legs) start in both arms (or both legs) at the same time in ALS, or does it always start in one arm or leg and then spread?
Six months ago I was surprised to find that when I climbed to the top of stairs, my legs muscles became very weak and rubbery. I would be so effected by walking up stairs that I would literally shake for 4 or 5 mins after. I would also get really short of breath on occasion, but usually after walking the stairs or something similar (not always). Then, about 2 months later, I started getting tired in the legs much faster than i used to. I used to be able to walk for 5+ miles no problem - now I was getting really tired just shopping at the grocery store or walking at the mall. My arms were only a little bit tired at this point, nothing to worry about. I was very worried about PPMS, but was not thinking at all about ALS at this point.
Then, about 2 weeks ago, my arms started getting much weaker than they had been. They went from being annoyingly fatigued sometimes to significantly fatigued all the time, in the course of two weeks. They seem to just be getting worse and worse. My legs are about the same as they were 6 months ago, which is fatigued, but at least not significantly worse. But my recent arm troubles have really got me worried. They used to just burn all the time from exhaustion, now they burn and I can feel actually pain and strain the muscles (bicep, tricep, shoulders). Now I am worried about possible ALS. I thought that in ALS both arms (or legs) would not get progressively weaker at the same time, but now I am not so sure after reading a number of these posts?
Any thoughts on the likelihood of these being ALS symptoms? I occasionally have what appear to possibly be fascillations in my ankle area, legs, arms, and now even occasionally face. Not sure if they are fascillations or not, but they are visible as ripples when I watch. They don't happen often and don't last long but they do happen.
Also another question for anybody who knows about PPMS (Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis). I had been under the impression that though dual leg weakness was a very common sign of PPMS in the early stages, I did not think that people with PPMS usually lost arm strength until after they had lost the ability to walk? Does anyone know if this is true or not?
Thanks to anyone for any answers they may have. Obviously I am having a difficult time psychologically and physically or I would not be asking.
I have had a rough 6 months. I still don't know what I have, but I do have something. I have not been to a neurologist yet, but I will be going soon. I was wondering whether these symptoms might be symptoms of ALS. I have read a lot of posts on this forum. What is unclear to me is mainly this:
Can weakness in the arms (or legs) start in both arms (or both legs) at the same time in ALS, or does it always start in one arm or leg and then spread?
Six months ago I was surprised to find that when I climbed to the top of stairs, my legs muscles became very weak and rubbery. I would be so effected by walking up stairs that I would literally shake for 4 or 5 mins after. I would also get really short of breath on occasion, but usually after walking the stairs or something similar (not always). Then, about 2 months later, I started getting tired in the legs much faster than i used to. I used to be able to walk for 5+ miles no problem - now I was getting really tired just shopping at the grocery store or walking at the mall. My arms were only a little bit tired at this point, nothing to worry about. I was very worried about PPMS, but was not thinking at all about ALS at this point.
Then, about 2 weeks ago, my arms started getting much weaker than they had been. They went from being annoyingly fatigued sometimes to significantly fatigued all the time, in the course of two weeks. They seem to just be getting worse and worse. My legs are about the same as they were 6 months ago, which is fatigued, but at least not significantly worse. But my recent arm troubles have really got me worried. They used to just burn all the time from exhaustion, now they burn and I can feel actually pain and strain the muscles (bicep, tricep, shoulders). Now I am worried about possible ALS. I thought that in ALS both arms (or legs) would not get progressively weaker at the same time, but now I am not so sure after reading a number of these posts?
Any thoughts on the likelihood of these being ALS symptoms? I occasionally have what appear to possibly be fascillations in my ankle area, legs, arms, and now even occasionally face. Not sure if they are fascillations or not, but they are visible as ripples when I watch. They don't happen often and don't last long but they do happen.
Also another question for anybody who knows about PPMS (Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis). I had been under the impression that though dual leg weakness was a very common sign of PPMS in the early stages, I did not think that people with PPMS usually lost arm strength until after they had lost the ability to walk? Does anyone know if this is true or not?
Thanks to anyone for any answers they may have. Obviously I am having a difficult time psychologically and physically or I would not be asking.