went to the doctor 4 test what can I expect next?

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Jul 2, 2013
Well went this morning for testing with my regular doctor I have go through them to get a referrel for any type of testing. Of course they done the regular asking what's going on, checked my eyes and ears along with my vitals. I had the following test done RA, fana,cbc, comprehensive metabolic,sed rate,tsh, myalgia/myositis still waiting for those test I know she is checking me for arthritis and thyroid just don't understand the rest I also have been made a appointment for a MRI.

Just wondering what happens next? And what if my RA test come back positive? or what if it comes back negative? Do they think its all in my head? please help me to understand what comes next?
Well....don't know about your symptoms or condition, really don't know what opinion to share....
If RA test is positive, and you are having the signs and symptoms which they will do some physical checks on your body to confirm....
They may send you for more tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy, ct scan and such....
Just to eliminate any other possibilities for your condition, before diagnosing you have RA....
If RA test is negative, they may still ask you to come back after a few months....
Just to run through the same tests to be doubly sure coz you may be seronegative....
It means you have signs and symptoms but your test results are negative, so it's inconclusive....in medical term....
If you are still negative in RA test and all others have been eliminated....
They will confirm with you if your symptoms of widespread pain is more than 3 months....
If you have constant difficulties in sleeping and they will also carry out physical checks on 18 tender points on your body....
Before deciding you have indeed Fibro, or even anxiety and depression which may cause your condition....
Just my own experience and encounter with the doctors....
I agree with the above answer. Generally they run these tests to make sure whether you have something serious or not. RA or other conditions show up through blood work. They might check for lyme diaease or lupus, as well. Usually the ANA bloodwork is for that. After everything else is ruled out then depending on your doctor you will be examined for fibromyalgia. The doctor will poke and prode you seeing if you have pain in 18 certain areas. He will ask about how well you sleep and if you have pain in certain areas. He will ask if you are depressed. And if your very lucky he will listen when you talk and you will come away feeling like the doctor has done the best for you that he or she can. I hope this answers your questions. Let us know how you make out. Feel free to read the posts to gain knowledge on any other questions you may have. Good luck. :)
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