What, me smoke?

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New member
Jan 26, 2015
Hi all. I've just discovered this Forum, and it already feels better to know there are many other Fibro sufferers out there.
So, I am now smoking about 10 cigs a day, which I might feel somewhat guilty about, but will continue if it gives me the small pleasure that it does. NOT advocating this for anyone else!

There are so many topics on here that I will comment on with my own experiences, but am somewhat overwhelmed at the moment.

Wishing you all less pain, more joy, less worrying and blaming, more validation from the medical community.

This is a very tough road to be on and we all deserve kindness and belief in ourselves. :)
I'm a smoker and smoke more that you. I've been told that the stress from trying to quit would be more harmful to me! Who wants to live forever anyway? The way I see it, I enjoy it, it gives me stress relief, and I cannot actually imagine having to cope with my illness through to a ripe old age. My Gran smoked 40 a day lived until 70, and I'd say that is good age. I once thought I wouldn't live to see 20 anyway, and I'm 27 now. Lol!

Hope to see you around. x
The smoking is causing some of your pain too.
Do you cough when you smoke? That tightens all your muscle's. Muscles is what sends the pain signals to the brain to send pain to the places in your body. Gram smoking 40 a day, if she had fibro she too would quit. I started smoking at age 12 (30 cents a pack). I'm 52 now. Got hypnotized 6 months ago. Much better breathing n less pain n fatigue. Give up the smokes !
I agree! Please be careful about the smokeing, last person to judge here because, I smoked before having a family, quite for 17
Years, had the first death of a family Member on My husband's side, and It just sent me over the edge, and I started up again :(
So for 15 years I smoked on and off, one family problem after another. Long story short a year ago I got a really bad fibro flu,
I literally could not breath, something about not getting air scared the "bad word" out of me. Just please be careful. Again no judgment here.

God blesses messes.
My OH is a heavy smoker I worry to death about it, but u can't ever make one one quit a drug unless they want to. At the end of the day theres a lot worse things they could be doing xxxxx
I have never heard that smoking can make fibro worse. Cmetryme, no, I don't cough from smoking. I can understand that coughing can make you feel worse, but let's face it - many things make us feel worse. And being told that the stress would literally kill me if I quit is much more of a scare than smoking is. I have already been extremely ill from stress, where my liver was actually begining to shut down (I don't drink a drop, before you ask) and I suffer IBS now. And as for my Gran quitting smoking had she had fibro - I seriously doubt it. I know it would be nice to think so, but I doubt it.

I'm not going to be one of those people who lie and say "I can quit whenever I want to" but for me, the bottom line is, 'not today'. Maybe some day further down the line, when stress is not an issue for me and hopefully good research has been made on E-cigs and the safety of them, but not today.
I'm sorry WOW you have the liver issue.
As a man with lupus i live in fear myself. Sometimes I even wish for them to
Find a organ with a problem. That way I know there can be an end to all this suffering and passing out like I did yesterday morning. My wife came rushing home from her job to be with me and try to keep me awake. Even though she knew there was nothing anybody can do. Its very hard on her and she's a real trooper. But the doctors says I'm very healthy and will have to deal with this the rest of my long life.my only hope is pain meds. I was told this by 3 doctors.
I understand that the stress can be overwhelming too.
There are many other healthy ways to deal with it.
Not sure who told you quitting would do that. Do your research.
Don't think e-cigs are your answer. I have five friends on them.
All have been over 2 years. All but one is still buying the 18mg
Of nicotine bottles. One is now down to 4mg bottles.
They don't help you quit. I understand not today. It was hard for me too.
Please don't focus on the stopping smoking in my msg above. Instead focus on
The muscles sending the msg to the brain to send pain.
Stress will get the muscles going. Try relaxation techniques.
I do meditaion and it helps me some.
I don't mean any harm with my coments. I just want to pass on what I have learned.
Its end of year and I've been looking at all my medical bills. I have spent over 100k. I'm not kidding. I told my wife all that money and I'm still pacing and crying in my backyard.
I did that for many years before I did research and go the pain meds. I'm allergic to many meds that the list is a page long. So even finding a meds that don't give a rash or make me pass out is hard to find. I'm allergic to the preservative in most.
You have a chance to make your life less painful and stressful with the use of drugs and natural
Alternatives. I'm just saying research all avenues. Don't make excuses,make choices that will give you a better life. Hang in there, learn and make good choices. We all can make excuses.
I totally understand that smoking reduces your stress and gives you a small amount of pleasure. I smoked for a lot of years. Probably still would be if I hadn't had a heart attack. October 2013 at age 49 to be exact. Once that happened, I knew that even though they didn't cause it and stress at work did, I had to quit or my family would lynch me....literally! I didn't have the willpower to do it on my own so kept smoking and finally convinced my doc to prescribe me Chantix. I quit a year ago. Honestly, don't feel any different. In fact, I'm worse than I was a year ago. Nothing to do with the smoking, just health declined. I never had the cough from smoking either. I have had one on very rare occasion, but know I'll never be a regular smoker again. Heck, it's expensive where I live. Why spend the money! :-) I don't believe one has anything to do with the other, smoking vs. fibro.....Quit when you're ready. They really aren't good for anyone, but you know that......Take care....
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