While doing simple task my muscles burn

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I would like to know if anybody has experienced that? I dont knot what it is - its the kind of burning what you feel if you excersising the muscle..but I feel it very very quickly even brush my hear and have feeling I need to take a break. Its not weak, since Im as strong as I was..but its pretty strange...

Starting to suspect lyme more seriously or neuromyotonia..Something is going on..
Blizna ... no, I have never felt that sensation. It is NOT a symptom of ALS.

Below is a list of symptoms of Benign Fasciculation Syndrome from Wikipedia. BFS is a real condition with complex physical symptoms, and many people experience it at some point in their lives. The essential thing to note about it is that it is "benign" ... that is, it does not lead to permanent physical damage or death. It can be brought on or made worse by anxiety. Once you relieve the anxiety, many of the symptoms will improve or go away.

Wikipedia says some of the symptoms of BFS are:
paraesthesia (numbness, tingling, or "pins & needles" sensations),
generalized fatigue,
exercise intolerance,
globus sensation (this means the feeling that you have a lump in your throat)
and/or muscle cramping.

Hope this helps.
Blizna ... no, I have never felt that sensation. It is NOT a symptom of ALS.

Below is a list of symptoms of Benign Fasciculation Syndrome from Wikipedia. BFS is a real condition with complex physical symptoms, and many people experience it at some point in their lives. The essential thing to note about it is that it is "benign" ... that is, it does not lead to permanent physical damage or death. It can be brought on or made worse by anxiety. Once you relieve the anxiety, many of the symptoms will improve or go away.

Wikipedia says some of the symptoms of BFS are:
paraesthesia (numbness, tingling, or "pins & needles" sensations),
generalized fatigue,
exercise intolerance,
globus sensation (this means the feeling that you have a lump in your throat)
and/or muscle cramping.

Hope this helps.

Pain, paraesthesia, perceived muscle cramping and perceived muscle weakness can occur anywhere in the body, just like the twitching. However, there is another benign condition called Fibromyalgia ( some believe BFS and fibromyalgia are related somehow ) that has allot of the same symptoms including burning muscles which gets worse after sport.

What you describe I think is similar to an ongoing complaint I have been having. I describe it as muscle fatigue. I may not be using the right language, but this is where it comes from:

I had a personal trainer for a number of years who was determined to make me really strong. He did this by having me lift very heavy weights as many times as I could until I couldn't do it even one more time. Maybe I would get in 8-10 lifts. If more, then he decided the weight was too light, and the next time I came I would be in for an unpleasant change! The last couple of lifts before I could go no further were characterized by a burning feeling in the muscle being exercised. He told me that was muscle exhaustion, and that it was important to do a few more lifts while feeling it. My arm or leg would be like jelly afterwards. Don't know why I subjected myself to that abuse (but damn I looked good!)...

Anyways, NOW I also get that exact same feeling from blow-drying my hair sometimes....but mostly I get it from holding a cell phone to my ear. My upper arm will burn, shake, and then be sort of floppy and weak feeling for a time after putting the phone down. Sometimes it is also nauseating (just like when I was lifting weights...my trainer always said, "if you ain't puking, you ain't trying")

I also describe it as "burning" but I don't know if my use of the word makes it a "sensory" symptom per se. Too me, it is a sign my muscles are being wore out from ordinary activity. My GP was very interested in this, while my neuro was completely disinterested.

Currently I DO have a diagnosed of BFS, so maybe it is all a part of that.

(diagnosed BFS, low B12)
Lydia, thast very interesting, the same here! Holding phone will make my upper arm burn like I was holding the phone for hours..
Thank you all for your answers.
Lydia, thast very interesting, the same here! Holding phone will make my upper arm burn like I was holding the phone for hours..
Thank you all for your answers.
Same here! i also get it when doing my hair..

About a year ago, i could just stand infront of the mirror doing my hair for 20 minutes ( yes.. i like to have my hair look nice :lol: ) with no burning sensations.. now after the twitching in all parts of my body started, i can only do this for about 10 minutes at most before the burning sensations become so painful that i just have to rest.
its good that we, unDX with twitching share that symptom but PALS dont.. Our condition is different...

BTW, what about neuromyotonia?
Well, I have just read an old post from vmd, who said he had this feeling for 10 years and now is probably Dx with ALS (Im not sure, but from his posts it looks like he really was).

I dont know, I feel...not so scared, just very nervous...Im affraid what every new day brings and still hope, after 1,5 years of twitching (which is not severe) its not ALS.

But what I cannot understand is this muscle burning, joint cracking and also "tendon-jumping" in my hands, when I do something with my fingers.

I have never experienced this so thats why Im thinking something is going on. I cannot say there is weakness, though..
VMD has not bee diagnosed with ALS and hasn't actually seen a neuro in a very long time. Those are his feelings and his feelings alone.

I too had those sensations (I still do but they are getting better) and I don't have ALS.

Relax Blizna.
Look Into Myasthenia Gravis

Hi Blizna,
I just came across your post while I was doing some google researching of my own. I have the exactly the same muscle symptoms as you do. Also, fatigue and general weakness to the point of disability and a slew of other problems. Afte 7 years of desperate searching I finally tested postive for the Achr antibody blood test, which apparently is a guaranteed diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Be careful because the clinical description doesn't really match the subjective feeling of having this disease. A good site to look into is an mg forum in England:


You might want to read a little through the forum and see if any of the stories ring a bell. If they do than INSIST on the two antibody tests (achr and MuSK) and a single fiber EMG. Even if the neurologists tell you you don't have it. It's called a "snowflake disease" because everyone who has it can appear so different.

Also, neuromyotonia can also appear in patients with myasthenia gravis. Search that site, there's a very good article and a very good description there.

Good luck! And don't panic please - this is the most well understood autoimmune disease in existence and is treatable. Whatever it turns out to be, I wish you the best of luck. Keep looking and don't let anyone discourage you.

- Bluesky
A topic I can most definitely, definitely relate to!
EXACTLY how I'd describe my weakness - just like after a workout (the burning, overly tired feeling of having used the barbells) - just from brushing hair, or holding the phone for too long, or playing with my puppy (a small dog, who I can barely keep at bay (from nipping at me) OR even holding my head up with my hand or something...without getting that awful burning, tired feeling in my shoulders/biceps)...
I feel like I'm becoming more weak by the week.
if it was JUST this, I'd pass it off as low vitamin/mineral & lack of excercise, etc? But compounded with constant, every day, every resting hour fasciculations + the awful feeling of body fatigue...
really freaks me out.
I've been told I have my age working for me. But what the hell does that mean when I'm reading that younger people are getting it all the time, right.

and the search continues...
Well, 3 months pass while I started this thread and nothing changed - maybe this burning is better.
Landau, I absolutely dont feel weakness or general fatique, this "burning" is only uncomfortable sensation but I can continue if I can.
Its interesting that true PALS has never experienced this (from comments on this forum), while others who suspect ALS do :)
Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium

Burning muscles is frustrating. I am not diagnosed with ALS. A relative has MS - not sure if that is genetic. Anyway - when I have the sensation of burning muscles for regular daily activities, (like walking up stairs), sometimes I have an infection elsewhere in my body - like a sinus infection. Alternatively, I have increased my intake of Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium and found relief.

Good luck to all - Wlkr3Day
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