Work complaint

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Dec 11, 2020
Just found out that I have to go back to 8-hour work days. I was doing 6.5 hours 5 days a week. Now it will be 8 hours 4 days a week. The reason for the change is employer policy. If I don't switch, I have to exhaust all my leave balance. Ugh.
I'm sorry to hear that :( Can you split the days into two blocks of two, so you can rest in between, or does eight hours straight cause you real problems regardless? Sending strength for when the switch arrives.
Sorry to hear this if it is going to be hard for you.
Personally, I would rather have three whole days off rather than work shorter days. I have done both, and it's much easier on my body (and mind!) if I have more days off. Maybe y ou will find the same to be true for you? I wish you lock.
Lots of people I know prefer whole days off. At my work people can decide and it's expected to want them, so it's law that they have to be given them if they want them. For me - praps like you - it's the other way round: I need to keep the stints of everything down, so it's better for me to commute more for shorter time there. (I can't compare with you: I struggle with 2-3h per day unless I could/can do home office.)

Next suggestion: Can you split the daily load of 8 hours into shorter blocks with more/longer breaks?
And: Really no chance of you getting your health issues taken accounted for more? *sigh*
I was working four 8s the first half of 2021. I switched to five 6s because I thought the latter would be easier on my mind, body, and for keeping up with work projects. Having another day off from work is great. But I'm usually useless after hour 7. One option I'm considering is working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
And: Really no chance of you getting your health issues taken accounted for more? *sigh*
Possibly. I'm trying to stay within the limits of the law at the moment. My employer can allow me to work less hours, but it's discretionary. My current hours are protected by family and medical leave.
One option I'm considering is working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Ah, like Jemima suggested.
I'm trying to stay within the limits of the law at the moment.
Just keep in mind that if you crash, that may be for good... And we are pretty big oil tankers that need to stop way in time...
Just keep in mind that if you crash, that may be for good... And we are pretty big oil tankers that need to stop way in time...
That's a scary thought. Can it go that badly?
Can it go that badly?
I'm pretty sure it's possible. Before my own full flare tho, the fibro-suspicion (my GPs and me) was too vague and my wife's rheum-suspicion
would've suggested a slow progression - no one saw the crashing coming this severely. So my story won't help to predict. Maybe you belong to those who have a milder form that won't get worse and that you can manage to cope with. Maybe my severe form would have come however I'd looked ahead. but I also remember my wife warning me and having long wanted me to go to a rheumatologist and I remember sitting at work, freezing and paining, alone, after talks, working despite the pain, with no idea what was happening, and telling everyone I'd be trying to keep on for a few more weeks till there was a fitting break in our work flow. Maybe it was that that smashed me to the floor, from a 48-hour week to zero for 10 months, and absolutely no chance of ever getting back up to even 20 hours (unless I could do home office).
And we have generally been saying: fibro isn't a progressive illness. But is that still the case if we continually overdo it, week for week, day for day? I've been arguing that it may progress then, yes.
If you could truly say you are OK at work, just not capable of working well in the eighth hour, but not that much pain, no overdoing it, no need for a day or two's rest, then I'd say: I know of quite a lot of fibromites who manage that without crashing.
It depends on the details of what you mean by "easier on my mind, body, and for keeping up with work projects", I spose.
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