Tramadol or ?

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Legendary member
Oct 6, 2014
Well I was having so many withdrawing problems I stopped the pill.
So now I only have it 3 days out of 7.but me on tramadol is 100 times better then me without.
Today I could hardly move Id taken codeine and paracetamol, but it didn't help at all. My shoulders felt broken .so an hour ago I give up and took two trams and now I'm decorating again.
The pissy bit is with them im near normal I can cook clean walk the dog. And I'm talking two pills in the morning two at night.
But for some reason if I have them everyday I get the flu feeling as soon as I'm late with a dose. And I began to panic A Id run out. B I was on a drug I couldn't get off of . I don't want to go cold turkey again. But nothing else helps.
So I don't like gabby I don't like dam if I can remember the name now lol. So anyone no of something akin to trams I could try.
I was on granadilla and Gabapentin and it did not help so on Norco now and gives me good results. The transition was to Stop granadilla and work up to 3 Norco a day and had no issues.
Have you considered staggering the four Tramadol throughout the day? That might help with the side effects of the med wearing off. I take mine like this, along with extra strength Tylenol (paracetamol) and it gives me more consistent relief. Unfortunately, Tramadol is a pretty unique medication; I can't think of anything else like it. I totally understand not wanting to take any meds. I spent a year trying all sorts of things and now I have a regimen including supplements, vitamins, exercise, yoga and meditation that I can rely on to get me through most days. Yes, it includes meds, but I also want some of my life back.
I'm currently on tapentadol for stenosis/nerve pain in my back legs and neck. It is related to tramadol.
Oh I'll ask Dr about that thanks whyupnorth
Loft pat not tired that as im soooo forgetful bit il give it a go x
forget... please talk to the pharmacist about what you should change to first.

get off the hydrocodone and try the morphine. its giving me relief and allowing me to function like a real person.
im on both time release (Gralise) and 15mcg as needed of instant release morphine.

If they dont help you, you can stop taking them. they will also help you with the withdrawals from stopping the hydro.
I am prescribed to take 6 tramadol 3 times a day but usually only take 4 at most
Usually at bedtime and during morning. I'm not understanding what is
Wrong with you taking tramadol can you please explain? Are you taking
Something besides tramadol? I find I must take the cymbalta same time
everyday but not the tramadol. I'd like to hear more. Thanks
I just find when I have to come off tramadol for any reason I feel really bad.
As for morphia don't touch me ive had it after ops and they no even with the highest dose I get no pain relief .
I got weird side effects with the tramadol, and I was using it in smaller doses than you are (as needed but it was at least once or twice a day)
My neuro put me on a combo of Lyrica and Cymbalta and that pretty much stopped my need for Tramadol. If i overdo things, some extra strength (arthritis) Tylenol and some rest gets me over the hump. Good luck - I hope you find the right combo for you!
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