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New member
Jan 13, 2014
Diagnosed in 2011 and still trying to find relief. Am currently taking Lyrica and starting today adding Savella and Celebrex. Not too sure of these new meds. Oh, and I take Seroquel too but that just knocks me out for about 12-14 hours so I kind of tend to not want to take that unless it's a last resort.

Hurts to walk, hurts to sit. I pretty much feel run over by a mack truck! Sorry to say but so far, nothing is helping me and it seems like doctors think it's all in your head when all the blood tests come out normal. I wish I could show them how "normal" really feels. GRRR!

I really just want to go back to pain free days where I could run and play with my grandbabies but I can't. And it makes me sad.

Might as well add that I have Emphysema too. Stage 3. I'm 45. So I'm going to throw in a PSA to get people to quit smoking. QUIT SMOKING! Trust me......this is NOT fun.

Anyone in Northern Colorado? I moved here from Texas last summer and want to know how am I suppose to make new friends when I can hardly leave the house?
Welcome. Well the best way to make new friends when you can not leave the house is by coming here and joining in with posting and answering questions. Welcome the new members and make new fibro buddies. If you have nice neighbors invite someone over for for a visit. Staying in touch with old friends and family, helps to ward off loneliness as well.

If you read the section of pain management and alternative methods you might pick up some extra hints on how you can buy over the counter items to help with pain issues and sleeping problems, and fatigue.

We are very supportive of our members and each person who comes here is given attention in helping with questions or a shoulder to lean on when things are not good. We even have a moan and groan and vent section where you can complain about what hurts.

Please make yourself at home and know that we care about you and hope that you feel much better soon. :)
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