Have any of you tried osteopathy/chiropractic or other forms of manipulation

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Finding a good chiropractor is like finding a needle in a haystack. That profession has some noble players, but there are so many quacks, sexual harassers, and money grubbers that its not a worthy endeavor unless you have insurance that will pay for you to continue to get adjustments for at least 3 months until the number of treatments goes down to like once a week for maintenance.

I went to one that sexually harassed me, and another one that was only concerned about taking my money and put on a real show to convince people to come to his office and stay there. However, I finally realized that he was a money grubber when my adjustments stopped holding and its because he didn't give me any exercises to keep my back in shape. It was only after prodding that I got the handout with the list of exercises. It was probably meant to go out at a later time in treatment in order to keep you coming back. I think that after the x-ray was given, he was going to give me that so that if I didn't see the change I wanted, he could throw me one last thing to keep my hopes up.

The guy is a real scumbag. If you live in the Huntsville area, he goes by the name Dr O. at Rocket City Chiropractic. He required everyone to sit though a 2 hour long presentation informing you about chiropractic and him stroking his ego. It was convincing enough, but they had the chairs up too close and everyone knows that it can be uncomfortable to sit for that long. It eventually occurred to me that it was because he wanted you to be in pain at the end and so you would want to sign up for the sketchy auto pay plan. They helped me for a while, but by the time I realized that he was full of crap I had already paid a few hundred out of pocket and all my insurance benefits.

Be very very careful with chiropractors. The industry has that stigma for a reason. Read plenty of reviews on yelp or other reporting sites. And then when you see him, don't let your guard down for a while. It pays to use some informational websites to guide you on finding the one you need and know what to look out for. I wish I had heeded the red flags
I don't believe in bone crunchers ,ok if it's for disk probs and the like, but for fibro noooo way.
I went to one for four years on and off always had to go back over and over ,like u say they keep u coming back.
I myself am a Physiotherapist and I have helped a lot of people with Fibromyalgia with hands-on massage, dry needling and gentle joint mobilisation (not cracking) as well as exercise prescription. I also have had some osteopathic training so my treatment sessions do use a few of their muscle energy techniques. I myself would be uncertain about seeing a chiro for relief of Fibromyalgia symptoms, however if it works - then why not. I am not one of those physios who is anti-chiro.

These classes, much like the massage I do, work on rehydrating our bodies connective tissue (fascia) which, when dehydrated can be the cause of chronic pain conditions. :)

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