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is stuttering part of it for some?
I don't recall but I would think so. "Anomic Aphasia: This term refers to word finding problems as a type of aphasia." One of the characteristics of anomic aphasia is, "Speaking hesitantly because of difficulty naming words". I do this. Alot of us do this and I know that I sometimes stutter but not usually.

Okay, here's the definition of stuttering:
Stuttering is a communication disorder in which the flow of speech is broken by repetitions (li-li-like this), prolongations (lllllike this), or abnormal stoppages (no sound) of sounds and syllables. There may also be unusual facial and body movements associated with the effort to speak. Stuttering is also referred to as stammering.
Wow! What a day! I have been having insomnia pretty bad since 10/9/15. So, running on empty and have to go see my sleep doctor. lol good timing. Anyway, she prescribed a light box On the main floor of the building she is in, there is a medical equipment store. I had to fill out some forms for insurance purposes. I could remember my husband's social security number (which I can never do) but couldn't remember my house address. We've lived here for about 10 years. That's long enough to know your address.
But wait......
There's more.............
My husband's work decided to change insurance companies. The change started December 1st, and I remembered :) , however we have not received our cards yet so I called my hubby at home and asked him to look up that info. He forwarded the information that his work sent him to me. I gave it to the gal behind the counter and she called the insurance company to find out the group number and some other thing. She found out that we have insurance but we cannot use it yet bc we have not been assigned our card.

I walked out to the van and as I approached it, I hit the button on my key fob but when I got to the van, it was still locked. I stood right in front of the key hole and clicked the button to unlock the doors and they stayed locked. I tried it again and then I thought if I lock it perhaps that will reset it or something. So I tried that twice. The van is supposed to give a beep when you do that and I heard one but it sounded funny; like it was further away or muffled somehow. Finally, I looked up and my eyes landed on the rearview mirror. It had things hanging from it. I don't have things hanging from my rear view mirror! Holy cow! My van was just two parking spots down. It looked just like my van.

Wow! What a day! I have been having insomnia pretty bad since 10/9/15. So, running on empty and have to go see my sleep doctor. lol good timing. Anyway, she prescribed a light box On the main floor of the building she is in, there is a medical equipment store. I had to fill out some forms for insurance purposes. I could remember my husband's social security number (which I can never do) but couldn't remember my house address. We've lived here for about 10 years. That's long enough to know your address.
But wait......
There's more.............
My husband's work decided to change insurance companies. The change started December 1st, and I remembered :) , however we have not received our cards yet so I called my hubby at home and asked him to look up that info. He forwarded the information that his work sent him to me. I gave it to the gal behind the counter and she called the insurance company to find out the group number and some other thing. She found out that we have insurance but we cannot use it yet bc we have not been assigned our card.

I walked out to the van and as I approached it, I hit the button on my key fob but when I got to the van, it was still locked. I stood right in front of the key hole and clicked the button to unlock the doors and they stayed locked. I tried it again and then I thought if I lock it perhaps that will reset it or something. So I tried that twice. The van is supposed to give a beep when you do that and I heard one but it sounded funny; like it was further away or muffled somehow. Finally, I looked up and my eyes landed on the rearview mirror. It had things hanging from it. I don't have things hanging from my rear view mirror! Holy cow! My van was just two parking spots down. It looked just like my van.

Once upon a time we had a blue minivan and i got out of the store and got into the minivan and dropped the change into the middle thingy between the seats then proceeded to eat a snack i had bought. A little while later I remembered we don't have a middle thingy in our van and i hurried up and got out and looked at the red minivan i had gotten into. I left the change in the middle thingy i got out so fast, lol!

Love, Sammy
When I introduce myself again to same person, tell second time same story...
my motto is: "better twice than never" :razz: :cool:
How about this. I was playing a game of Yatzee with my neighbors. I've played games like this for all my life. (I'm 51) I had no trouble rolling the dice. The thing I had a problem with was just simply adding up the numbers on the dice. Every job I did in my life I was always counting.

The thing with the memory issue is frustrating at best. I do laugh at myself when I forget something and my husband laughs with me, because he does the same thing. :)
Words, I have the most trouble with finding the right words. Now, words have been big in my life; reading writing, poetry. Now I have to ask my husband for words when his spelling really stinks and he has always asked me the grammar questions. I haven't learned to laugh at it yet. I grieve over it. And it scares me that my brain is shutting me off.
I'm happy I found this thread, it made me laugh. It's so wonderful to know that I'm not alone, and that I'm among others who experience the same or similar things. I don't know what I would do without Google and Bing to help me complete sentences when I'm sending emails or posting on forums. I will often 'talk around' a word when I have forgotten what I meant to say/the word I meant to use. Thankfully, those close to me can often finish my sentences, and in some cases are dealing with similar issues, although for different reasons.
I think it's really important to realize that we are not alone, that are other people experiencing the same issues we have.
Carry a pen and paper. There's no shame in writing thing down. Let loved ones know it would help if they would write down info for you. Should your hands be full others can help with appointments, dates, etc.
I have at times, say for Dr. Appointments, asked for a reminder call. I agree how frustrating it can be.
Oh and......check all side effects from meds your on.
I recently went to a natural Dr. She's checking me for black mold toxin. It can have many of fibro symptoms.
Laughter is good like a medicne. Thanks for sharing.
Laughter is an excellent medicine, at the same time it doesn't cure all, but certainly helps.
I dont exactly remember if I have homework for tomorrow, I dont really care but here I am, however there are many techniques you could use to remember things you forgot, for example you can write things down and place them all around the house, that works a lot, put some alarms on your phone in order toremind you important stuff, try them out.
Ok FenWoFon, your posts definitely start to look like spam, at least your malicious links where automatically removed.
I'm glad to see many of us can laugh at the "brain fart" moments, I do! But I feel compelled to share the following, just so you keep it in mind
when out walking or especially driving.

When I first developed this condition and the symptoms were mild and insidious (and I hadn't even been to a doctor yet), there was a day I was waiting for the light to change at at a major intersection (I was out walking to the store). All of a sudden, it was like I came out of a spell; I heard many cars honking. I suddenly realized I was out in traffic walking against the light; I had no recollection of stepping off the curb! I scrambled to the sidewalk and cursed myself, thinking I must have been daydreaming, and blaming it on the heat.

The second time, again, at a major intersection, waiting for the light. Again, I was jogged out of "the spell" by blaring horns, except this time, I also had the fender of a car up against my leg. And also, I wasn't walking; I was just standing out in the middle of traffic. That's when I knew something was really wrong.

So my advice, even if you are feeling good when you are out, keep yourself busy when waiting for the light, whether you are driving or walking.
I tap my foot, look around at people walking by, the other cars, etc. Just keep yourself in the moment.
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