Brain Fog and frustration.

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Very helpful member
Sep 13, 2014
It's not getting any better, memory. I WANT TO HIDE FROM THE WORLD AND THE DEPRESSION........
So sorry that you're dealing with this. I totally get it. I have problems with my memory the way it is because I've got dissociative issues as a result of difficult stuff as a kid and adult. But also have brain fog here too and with that compounded it doesn't help at all. I feel Ya there.

Also have major depressive disorder here as well. And severe anxiety/attachment issues as a result of the C-PTSD. Isolation is very tempting n sometimes actually needed for survival. To get thru the bad days Ya need to have some alone space and that is so okay. Buts it s important ta not over isolate yaself.

Wantin u to know ur not alone in feeling frustrated. It wreaks havoc here too. Sitting with you. If you need or want a friend to talk to feel free to PM/add. Supportin Ya! :)
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Moe, i spoke to my wife about the med that is helping my son cope with the same things your saying. its not a autism med. it an ADHD med. aderall .
not sure how it's spelled. try that med and see what happens. sorry to hear it all continues.
I'm finally on two straight days and working on the second night of level 1/2 pain. its been a very long 79 days/nights of level 7/8 pain.(daily log book) sometimes you see we do get a little break from the pain. by no means am i saying its the meds working. it just how fibro/lupus works. you can get through this too.

thanks for sharing with me!, your friend Cme.
Thank you ,
I have heard that med also helps fight fatigue. I have to wait a month before I see my Dr. But I'll keep it under my hat on a list of things to ask.
cmetryme, so GLAD you are getting a reprieve!
moe, i hope you get it and start it right away. you too need a break.
Rural..big hugs darlin! thanks.
thanks break is over. see my new post called so i went to the pain mgt doctor.
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