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Can't you keep on state medicad and other benefits like food stamps & money help? I work for child support and a lot of women who we can not find the fathers to pay are on assistants.
Ty I am becoming more detailed. However since not taking NSAIDs, my arthritis is raging and my migraines and neck muscle pain is excruciating and kept me up both nights. The cymbalta I finally borrowed money to get it, but from what I understand it takes weeks before it starts helping. And the zanaflex helps a little for about 2 hours. I had to cancel appt again bc I can't function like thus!
And sug on faster acting med for pain that is in expensive.
Ty, rough night
Yeah the Zanaflex or tizanadine (I've got generic..) is good and bad.. No side effects from it personally, but it does nothing for my spasms, just helps me to fall asleep faster/easier but it doesn't keep me asleep....
S far as suggestions go, I could rattle off the dozens and dozens of meds I've tried, success and failures... But honestly, everyone is so different with how their bodies respond to medications... Personally, my body is very finicky about medications, most give me side effects or just plain don't work.. It's frustrating! I even frustrates me Dr. because she feels like she's not helping, but I keep reminding her that she's helping regardless of meds working or not because she's listening and trying, that's all we can really ask for from a Dr is compassion, understanding, and effort.... Taking medications and finding what works for you is really trial and error....
I've found that the cocktail I'm currently on does make some of my pain a little more tolerable, but I'm still having so many flares and break though pain that it's just not enough.I really hate hqvihaving to take all these meds, I used to not want to even take an otc headache med unless I absolutely had to... But now, forget it- I need the help...
If you do want to know the meds I've tried and what's worked / not worked, private message me, I don't really like advertising what I take openly for the guests (people not even registered as members) to see...
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