Advise on applying for Disability

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It is a long process, that is the first thing you must get yourself ready for. You will complete the forms several times and feel like it is a waste of time but do not give up. Your age will have a lot to do with your case along with your illness. It is not for your doctor to decide if you are disabiled, the system has a process to go thru which takes time. How long you have worked will determine what you will qualify for also, the difference between SSI and SSD. The system works on deadlines, do not miss a deadline, always send your return mail in certified receipt requested to prove you did indeed send in your papers on time, they do get lost in the system. I worked on on case 4yrs and did not get that person approved. If I can help let me know. You will not be told right away that you have been approved, I remember only one case that got approved in less than a year and that was a person with Asbergers Sysdrome.

There is so much to do when applying for Disability, your medication and the effects on you have alot to do with your case. Statements and how you say them in your case has more to do with your case than you would believe, often you are telling the truth and it will work against you. If you can get an advocate to work for you or an attorney. A person does not need to be an attorney to help you get your benefits.

Good luck.
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Yes, it can go on for quite awhile. I think they get so many applications and are so understaffed that it slows down the whole process. They might send you several letters asking you to do certain things and/or see some of their specialists, and then they send you a determination letter.

Sometimes you receive pretty much the same questionnaire from the federal level and then from your local branch of Social Security.

I had a fiasco a few years ago when they were transferring all their data to electronic records. I had a recertification which literally went on a full year (this was years after I'd originally been approved). They must have had me jump through every hoop possible. I was doing so much "work" for Social Security to meet all their requirements they might as well have given me a salary, LOL.

It wasn't until the case was switched to another caseworker (after I complained to a supervisor that is was reaching the level of harassment) that I was told they'd lost my entire record and that I was being required to re-apply from scratch!

By the end of it I was even sicker because it was way too much exertion. The extended mental focus alone that the process required was making my condition worse, and I started having motor and neurological slowing, which made filling out all those forms almost impossible. Finally I was approved but I was a complete wreck when it was all over and it took months to get my baseline pain level down. I have Sarcoidosis too, so the two conditions together really do me in when I over-do it.
Very encouraging this discussion. I am in the process of ssi benefits. I am in a financial whole becUse of not being able to work.

I was just denied SSI benefits, it is hard to get by relying on family. I feel embarrassed that my mother has to help me financially. It makes me feel much more depressed. I am going to appeal the decision and hope that I can get benefits.
I wish we didnt habe to go through thislong process, it should be an illness that qualifies automatically. Good luck to all.
I wish you all the best. I was laid off, trying to find work, and feel my symptoms are getting worse. I have gone thru my 401 and here is a odd luck, I married a man older than I and since I am not 62 and he is 71 ( and as severe asthmatic and can't work) we went thru a reverse mortgage last month. I am not happy about my name coming off the house DEED because I am not 62, but hopefully he will hang in there for many more years. After that I am afraid as I can lift 3-4 pounds, can go grocery shopping by myself and don't know where I will live with this condition. Unfortunately, we have a big credit card debt for all the meds and household expenses. We finished our basement and am renting it out. I started that 3 years ago before my FMS started. But the rent still doesn't pay the construction loan and other bills. Point being if you have a house, think about a reverse mortgage to help if you are over 62 yrs old. At least that part helps. Again I am trying to go back to work, and have days, I don't think I can. I was given information from JAN - Job Accommodation Network to learn about what our legal rights are as far as the employers (over 15 staff) have to legally do to accommodate you if you think you can stay at work but need some "undue hardship" expenses on the company. That is ADA Law. So in closing I wish everyone the best and do what you can. I talked to 2 separate attorneys and they said Disability can take up to 2-3 years and no promises as there are "guys" who hurt their toes and think they need disability, so get in line. We must have money coming in. So I cannot collect unemployment and try for disability too. In such a hard place. Again the best to all. Check your state's laws for working and check out reverse mortgages. Reverse mortgage is good if you plan to stay in your house. it is not a scam but the only real government program I would recommend if you are desperate to have a place and this will eliminate your mortgage. God Bless everyone!
There is a cap amount the lawyer can take. I believe it is approx. $5,000 dollars. I did it on my own when I was functioning better. I don't think I could do it now. I filled out copious amounts of online paperwork and was denied twice, then I appealed my case and went before a judge who granted it to me with back pay. It's not a hand out. It is money you worked for. I would choose working over this any day. I was an RN Supervisor making over $100,000 a year. Good luck
PS. Remember they want to know how your diagnosis effects your every day living. My doctor asked me the other day on a scale of 1-10 how this disease effected my daily living (with 10 being the worst) and I said 10, and I wasn't exaggerating, yet people would see me and think I'm fine. Weird disease.
Not to sound discouraging but I applied in May and still don't have an answer. They have sent me to several doctors and I still have one more to see on the 29th and hopefully I will get an answer shortly after that.
Just a quick question to those of you who have applied for SSD. What are your ages? I have heard the younger you are the more difficult it is to receive SSD benefits. The theory being the younger you are the easier it is to retrain you for a different job.
Lana~ They have these volunteer people and they will support you. I took a guy with me and he wound up not saying a lot but I felt like the judge respected the fact that he was there (you know how guys are). Well search "volunteer support for social security" of something like that and call them, they will do paperwork or whatever you need. Another thing..the judge I had looked like just a regular guy, they don't always look and act like "judges"..mine had on a polo shirt and was kinda young. You will do fine, just be honest and passionate about the way fibro effects your life.
Yeah you are probably right Krista. I was already in my 50's when I applied.
I turned 50 in August and applied in August. I have received questionnaires regarding my daily personal impacts and one about my work impacts and work history. The gal that sent them to me also sent requests for my medical files at the same time (I made an excuse to call and connect with her). I sent the questionnaires back the first part of October. I will say a prayer for all who are trying to get disability.

It's a tragedy that someone with as many health problems as fibro/CFS have, that there is any question at all. ESPECIALLY those who have been dealing with it for any length of time. As I was completing the questionnaire on my work history, I realized that I have been dealing with the disease for about 6-10 years. Of course it has gotten progressively worse, but even back then i was using sick leave for symptoms related to the disease....For me, the breaking point was when I had a heart attack last October. I think my body just said, I'm done. I have declined significantly since then and can't seem to get out of the spiral of colitis, IBS, fibro, and severe fatigue flares.

One of the websites I found suggested that a person should get personal letters from each of your physicians, summarizing the your health issues. It was said that it goes a long way toward "assisting" the reviewer. It stated that physicians don't always capture all of your symptoms on their records so to rely solely on the records, increased the risk of denial. So, I took the time and got those letters. I also sent copies of those to the insurance company who handles the states long-term disability since I'm applying for that as well. It took me a while to get it all together because I could only function here and there. On my few good days, I'd work until midnight making lists of things I needed to take care of, completing paperwork, making copies, etc. It finally came together....Now it's a wait game. Although, I intend to follow up with the gal from the letter to see if she has everything she needs. A I told my husband, since I can't work, I see this as my job until it's done. Gentle hugs to all....
I applied for SSD in May of 2014. I filled out the papers and questions on line and waited. In July or August I received more papers. I filled them out and waited. I then got a letter from SSD requesting that I see a psychologist. I did that and waited. I then received another letter from SSD to see an internist. That is scheduled for Oct. 29th. My question is this: to anyone else who has applied for SSD how long after you filled out all your questionaires and saw all of the doctors they requested you see did you get an answer? I am afraid I will see the doctor on the 29th and will have to wait another 6 months before I get an answer. I quit my job in May knowing I would get no pension and no unemployment because I could no longer do the work required of me. So I have been almost 6 months of no income. SSD is not a hand out or entitlement. I paid in to it for the better part of 40 years and I deserve to get it if I am disabled. I think it's shameful that we have to wait so long and jump through so many hoops when there are days we can barely function. I am almost 60 years old. Thanks for listening.
I'm so sorry Krista. I agree with you completely. Having paid into it myself for 34 years, I agree with you. I pray that you get a quick resolution. Can I ask, if you had long-standing physicians and specialists? I hear about so many being denied and having that be the "norm". Talk about government waste. What if they took more time initially. Really took the time to look at all the facts.

I'm scared that this will drag on for too long and I'll lose everything I worked so hard for. My husband and I have talked about it. Somehow, some way, we'll survive this storm....We can't make it on his salary though...It's just how long will the battle take.

Has anyone been told there is a 5 month wait period? What I've been told is that there is no payment retroactive to the application date. The clock for backpay starts at month 5. That makes no sense to me....
How long after a fibro diagnosis has anyone applied for SSD? I tell my docs that I still hurt, by early afternoon I am "done", so tired and with such pain the afternoons are hard to work. They tell me to exercise. They have switched up my meds with little help. I only see them every 3 months. I actually cried at work the other day because my upper back and shoulders were burning with pain. I really don't know how long I can continue.
Did anybody see 20/20 last night. It was about people scamming the system. It's people like that that make it hard for the people who really need SSD to get it. On the other hand it is rather scary knowing there are people out there who may be following and watching me.
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