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New member
Jun 24, 2015
so I haven't received my diagnosis yet. However I have been incredibly sick for the past 4 years. I am to the point where just getting dressed to go to the grocery store puts me into a state of exhaustion. And swimming, walking or hanging out with friends puts me out of commission for days.
my grandmother and sister have lupus, my mother has rheumatoid arthritis and my father has fibro.
every test result I've had has come back negative or normal. I've been to 10 different doctors and two specialists and everyone tells me that there's nothing more they can do besides prescribe me medicine (mostly benzos, gabapentin and antidepressants which have done nothing.)
I have been tested for lupus twice and rheumatoid once and I do not have the antibody for it.
I have had to switch medical providers three times now and I'm hoping now I'll be able go get a proper diagnosis and that my doctors and I can come up with a plan that will help relieve this pain and the GI stuff as well.
With all that said, I'm just wondering how everyone was able to get their diagnosis. Did you guys bring up that you, yourself think that it could be fibro or did the doctor give you a fibro diagnosis since everything had been ruled out?
I appreciate you guys reading this and welcome all responses.
Thank you!
Hiya, I got my diagnosis a few days ago.
Ironically I have been asking about ehlers danlos syndrome as it's hereditary and my sister has it. My specialist just said, nope, it's fibromyalgia here's a leaflet have some more drugs.... off you go!
I'm really quite upset as he didn't ask any questions apart from does this hurt?.... Well yeah, everything does!

So honestly, I'm not even sure if he's right.
Hi. I'm a real newbie; just joined a few minutes ago. I've never participated in any kind of forum before so I was trying to get a feel for it when I found your message. In 1999, I was looking for a new doctor that was open to natural healing. I put together a list of all the symptoms bothering me for my first visit. He took one look and said he believed I had fibro. I had never heard of it before then. He needed to rule out any other conditions to be sure so over the next two years, my story is very similar to most fibro stories. Lots of doctors, tests that were normal, RX that didn't work and finally to a pain management doctor. I was incredibly fortunate to stumble onto a good doctor that recognized the condition and accepted that it was a real medical condition.
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