Help with Depression and Fibromyalgia

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I am too tired to do anything today. I understand what you are saying and I'm much older than you and have had this fibro crap since 2005. Well I actually had it before that but was diagnosed then. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me and then I went to a rheumatologist who told me I wasn't sick enough to be there because her patients who came in could hardly walk. I was so mad I cried in my car in the parking lot of the hospital. Since then I have decided to treat myself the best way I can. I go to aqua therapy in a warm pool. Supposed to go 2 x a week but the 20 minute drive is sometimes too much for me so I try to get there twice a week. I can tell you that is helped a lot. The pain never goes away but it is manageable. I also take Cymbalta for fibro prescribed by my MD and it does help because when I don't take it I am a real mess. I have trouble sleeping and getting to sleep so I use Melatonin and that helps me get the sleep I need to function. I started using CBD oil when marijuana became legal in Canada. My doctor wasn't crazy about the idea but I persisted and the pharmacist is the one who helped complete the application and order what I should start with. This CBD oil helps me but again, doesn't take the pain away, but I can do things I used to do and almost feel like normal some days.
I don't even tell anyone anymore about the fibro. They don't get it and can never understand. Unless they've had an untreated toothache. Tramadol is a drug that works really good for me but it is addictive so I only take it when I can't stand the pain or my back is killing me.
I'm sorry to tell you about all of my issues but I thought you could maybe find something in my text that could help you.
You're right about being too tired for physical activity, but it does make you feel better so just start slowly. You will have to change your thinking about what you can do. This is where we're at now and we have to accept it. I have limitations but I don't tell anyone because they don't get it.
Last week I went to the Chiropractor for my back and he asked me if people understood how fibro was affecting me and I said no. He said he knew for sure how much pain I was in because he could feel it in my muscles and he could barely touch me to adjust my back. He said he uses light pressure but it feels like he's really hurting me.
Massage therapy can also help you. The RMT can start off with light pressure and work up from there. They will support you because they can feel the pain in your body as they massage you. You will feel better after regular massage therapy treatments. Swimming is one of the best exercises. Whirlpool therapy is good too.
Think about taking care of your body in a different way. Medical doctors don't know what to do with people like us and they are so busy, they really are at a loss for a solution. Narcotics work but are strictly controlled in Canada so Dr.s are hesitant to prescribe.

I joined this group thinking I would find some solutions that would help me, but I haven't found any yet.
I find that my worst days are right after I have overdone the workload on the day before. I have always been a high achiever, I like everything perfect and have high standards, doing all the work myself.....which has been my downfall. It has led me to where I am now. Please pace yourself and get as much sleep as possible. It may sound silly but soak in a warm bath often because you will feel better. You may have to push yourself to do some of these things. Good luck, I hope you found this just a little helpful. Remember that the medical establishment is always coming up with new treatments. There may come a day when this is recognized and treated effectively. One can only hope.
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Hi FedUpWithIt, Sunkacola, Smileygirl and all,
I have just joined this forum to know if others felt like I did with FM. Mission accomplished.
Knowing that others have it far worse than I do, I never imagined that I would post any comments other than perhaps 'ditto'.
I will keep this a brief as possible. Your thread really spoke to me in many ways.
I do believe in a multi-facet approach and no one size fits all. I will offer what might perhaps be a piece to our collective puzzle; it might or might not appeal to you. It's something that I re-discovered in a book I bought a few years ago. And it has really struck a chord recently.

Book: The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel. Subtitle: The most comprehensive dictionary dealing with the conflicted thoughts, feelings and emotions at the root of illnesses.
Excerpt from the section on FM (p. 261-262 in by paperback 2011 edition):
"This syndrome (a set of symptoms that manifest themselves at the same time) is linked to perfectionism, anxiety, and making high demands on myself beyond my limits. I have a great inner emotional pain that follows me constantly. It may originate from an event experienced at an early age but was a source of great guilt. I feel unwanted and I find it very difficult to assert myself. I don't feel that I am up to the mark. I feel I have been taken aback. I feel a lot of pressure from my entourage but in fact, I am the one pushing myself too hard. I feel anger because I have the impression that I am not receiving any Love from the people around me. I don't want to move forward. I prefer to cut myself off from my emotions because I feel no gentleness in my life. Where does this constant pain come from? It often appears when I am doing repetitive and monotonous gestures. It reminds me of my emotional suffering from indefinitely taking on responsibilities that I haven't really chosen. I wanted to dutifully follow certain principles that were in opposition to my deeper needs. I am living a life for which I have no inclination.
I accept to learn to take care of myself, to give myself the gentleness I so need. I allow the child who inhabits me, and grew up too fast, to live its child's life. I no longer have to be a superwoman or a superman: I only have to be me. I have the right to be happy and live joyfully. I allow my creativity to express itself through play, the arts, sports or any other activity that brings me greater well-being. And so I thrive, and a great inner peace settles in."

Blessings and peace to all of you.
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