Recent content by IsisRose

  1. IsisRose

    RSO Has Really Been Helping Me

    I had MMJ down in CA and just recently got on it in WA. A friend suggested that I try (Hemp Oil) which is often used for cancer, but has many other wonderful uses as well. I began it about a week ago and have already found that I sleep so much better. At most I wake up once during the night...
  2. IsisRose

    fibro diagnosis-looking for advice

    I was about 31 when fibromyalgia hit me. I am not 46. It is livable and you will go on. You will also find, over time, the things that work best for you and the things that don't. We are each different. This forum will be a great place to get advise and tips to try out to find what works...
  3. IsisRose

    How do you not overdo it when you feel better?

    What I have learned for myself is to pace myself. When I am going to be active with something I set a time limit for how long I will work at that activity before taking a rest period. Something like: today I will clean the house for two hours, take a break for at least an hour and clean for...
  4. IsisRose

    I am going to share the names of some very good supplements that really work.

    This is a great list of supplements to help with fibromyalgia. I have also found that diet may be a great factor as well. For me cutting out grains and controlling my carb intake seems to really help with pain, flareups and my overall energy levels as well.
  5. IsisRose

    Is Fibromyalgia hereditary?

    I think we also need to keep in mind that fibromyalgia has often been misdiagnosed as conditions such as chronic fatigue or something similar. There have probably been many unreported or undiagnosed cases of it. I am the only woman in my family that is known to have fibromyalgia, however my...
  6. IsisRose

    Alternatives For Other Health Problems

    I'd like to suggest you read "Protein Power Life Plan'" by Dr's Mary Dan and Michael Eades. They have an entire chapter on Cholesterol, and you will probably have a better understanding of cholesterol after reading it than many health care practitioners. I know that following their plan has...
  7. IsisRose

    Fibro can worsen pain from other causes

    I have a hard time believing it was created. It is more believable that it is genetic and has been around for a longer time than we have had a name for it. Having worked in the medical field in the past and having studied genetics, this makes a lot more sense to me. Also, exactly how would...
  8. IsisRose

    Impact of Fibromyalgia on my life.

    I can totally relate to stress being such a trigger for Fibromyalgia flare-ups. I recently had to quit a decent paying job and go on to lesser paying work, because the stress was beginning to become more than my poor body can handle. I'd rather bring a few less dollars, and not live with that...
  9. IsisRose

    Will strengthening exercises help back?

    You may actually want to try gentle stretching of the back vs. strengthening exercise as that may cause more damage. Gently stretch your back by trying to slowly touch your toes while standing. Only go as far as you can as over time you will be able to stretch further. Hold the pose for about...
  10. IsisRose

    Impact of Fibromyalgia on my life.

    Yes stress is such an issue with Fibromyalgia and if you can reduce stress it is so much better. Some things that I have found over the years that help me reduce stress are: hot baths, reading, meditating, yoga, stretching, taking a walk and thinking of happier things, watching "I Love Lucy,"...
  11. IsisRose

    Is fibro progressive

    I've had fibromyalgia now for about 12 years. In my experience I go through times when I seem to be in remission and it doesn't bother me for a month or more. Sweet relief! Other times it seems to be in constant flair up where I go months without a single good day. Other times it seems more...
  12. IsisRose

    Napping more in the Fall

    Have you been able to figure out a cause for this? Is it a flair up? Are there other things going on in your life that are perhaps causing you stress? With Fibromyalgia stress can cause even more problems than in people without the condition. What things have you tried so far, if any, to...
  13. IsisRose

    Fatigued after meals

    I have found replacements for many things: cauliflower in place of potatoes or rice, flax meal (I buy seeds in bulk and grind them as it is so much cheaper) in place of grain for baked goods, shaved zucchini in place of pasta etc.... Many I have found by reading low carb discussions and recipe...
  14. IsisRose

    Rare symptoms not commonly known

    Personally, I think there are the standard symptoms: fatigue, sleeplessness, flair ups right before and during TOM, and the pain in certain areas and then there are individual symptoms that others may not have or a weird symptom.
  15. IsisRose

    How to support a girlfriend with fibro?

    And those who support us are also very special human beings! Check out the Eades work, especially a chapter in the Protein Power LifePlan book on wheat and how it physically effects the body. A great read and one that has immensely helped me.