Recent content by schmoopy

  1. schmoopy

    Your experience with Lyrica

    Thanks Mariguita! The jury is still out for me. Waiting for the pain to subside. If the side effects start hitting me before the pain subsides, I'll be done with it. I agree, Lyrica is making me a little snarky. I'm taking Wellbutrin which I've been on for years, so Cymbalta was out for me...
  2. schmoopy

    Your experience with Lyrica

    Hello All. Just diagnosed a few weeks ago with Fibro and was prescribed Lyrica (50mg, every night - increasing to 75mg next week). I read a lot of reviews on the net about substantial weight gain. That worries me as I do NOT want to trade one problem for another. The only side effect for...
  3. schmoopy

    Hello. I'm new!

    Hello All. So glad I found this forum. Just diagnosed with Fibro last week after what seems like progressively worse symptoms that now consist of mild to severe joint and muscle pain, achiness, headaches, brain fog and memory problems and over all feeling crappy like I have the flu. Rheum...