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  1. S

    What would you want your friends to know?

    I want to be supportive to my friends with fibromyalgia, but not pushy. If you could tell your friends without fibromyalgia one thing, what would it be?
  2. S

    Supporting friends with fibromyalgia

    That is good to know, except knowing my cooking it would be much better off if I brought over takeout:) I don't mind helping my friends clean at all. What about transport to the doctor, would that be a good thing?
  3. S

    Supporting friends with fibromyalgia

    Hi all, I have two close friends with fibromyalgia. How can I best help/support them? What type of help/support would you want/be willing to accept? One of my friends has also got immune system issues that make her sick when she goes out shopping, etc. So I guess an easy way to help her is...
  4. S

    Hi all

    My name is Kelley, I do not currently suffer from fibromyalgia but have two very close friends who do. I am on SSDI for some different invisible illnesses so I may be of some help for those going through the disability process. My primary reason for being here is to learn more about...
  5. S

    Advise on applying for Disability

    Are you talking about SSDI? When I applied I filled out tons of info on line and waited and prayed. It wasn't just getting a form from the doctor so not sure where you are in the process. I will say that although I lucked out and was approved the first time, my friends who used attorneys got...