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  1. G

    Please tell me there is life with fibro?

    For skarebear; I would reconsider having a baby; not just because the pain can be debilitating but the medications for fibro and/or ra are not safe for a fetus. I wanted another child but wouldn't risk the birth defects. That would be so much harder to take care of with the pain than a healthy...
  2. G

    Doctors & Pain Meds

    Hi there, I just joined today and wanted to vent a little on this topic. Around my city I have found it very difficult to get real relief for this godawfull pain. Going from dr. to dr. makes it look like your dr. shopping and then no one wants to help. At first I was only prescribed Lyrica which...
  3. G

    Do i have fibromyalgia? ?

    I just joined today so haven't read alot of posts yet; but is there anyone who has the nerve pain ONLY in the legs? This all started for me years with a neck and back injury, so they did all these injections and radiofrequency and it wasn't until after all that that I had the nerve pain in my...
  4. G

    Hair loss

    Hello,I just joined today and saw the posts about hair loss and that has been such an issue with me. I didn't have extra loss until I started taking Lyrica. I also blame Lyrica for extra dry skin; it seems it just sucks all the moisture out of me no matter how much water or gatorade I drink...