
  1. T

    Your experience with IUD Paragard?

    I take alternative hormonal therapy but it does not provide any contraception. I'm giving consideration to getting Paragard (my holistic GYN said that's the only one she would recommend) but I'm nervous about the potential side effects...like many people with Fibro, my body is super sensitive to...
  2. A

    IUD and Fibro

    I've been doing a bit more research on things and I've been reading about IUD's possibly making Fibro symptoms worse. I'm interested in this because I recently decided to go with an IUD. I had mine inserted about two months ago. I went with Mirena. So far, I've had cramping, but that's normal...
  3. A

    Hi y'all I'm a newbie! Here's some of my story

    Hi y'all my name is Amy Hagood & I'm from Texas, U.S.. I am a very proud Mommy of 6. I only gave birth to 3 though. A daughter (8yrs) & a son (6yrs) from my 1st marriage & my husband Chris & I share a daughter (2yrs) together. God notnonly blessed me with Chris but also with 3 new daughters...
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