
  1. T

    Sometimes its overwhelming

    All the pain. The pills. The doctors appointments. The feeling like a failure because i cant complete normal, once everday, ordinary tasks. I have to rest after drying my hair. Which i can barely do. I need help to cook, or must rest or sit while doing it. Its crazy. Im only 23, i just feel...
  2. Forgetmenot

    So upset

    My little ones dad has told me he has very high cholesterol ,high bp and his dr is worried he maybe just drop down dead. He has smoke all his life he has drunk all his one surprised here. But all he is worried about is his mother.he has never once ask how I first husband well...
  3. T

    Feeling Positive

    I went to the doctors monday with my dad, with him there she actually seemed to listen to me. She actually had the cheek to question why i havent told her ive been feeling this way. I was just like yes i have. Plus my doctors got a letter over a month ago from my therapist to add to my file...
  4. T

    I feel stupid , embarassed and alone with fibro

    I was recently diagnosed with FM back in March. This has been about a 3 year process and I'm still not convinced. Three years ago I started having some pain and discomfort in the front and back of neck. Soon after I started having back spasms and they would cause me to be on the couch for a day...
  5. S

    Rheumatic Fever/Inherited Disorders

    Thinking back to when I was a child, my mother told me that my father had something, and I remembered it as rheumatoid arthritis. As an adult, it never made sense to me, because my father into his late 70's would walk miles every day, lift things without a problem, never took more than an...
  6. B

    Ello everypawty!

    Well, um, hello! So, I'm Tabi, been diagnosed since I was 16 years old, and moved from Arizona to Indiana, which was a huge mistake when it comes to pain. My new doctor refuses to give medication for my FM or my bipolar disorder, epilepsy or my syncope (fainting disorder), even though he has the...
  7. Forgetmenot


    This isn't about Fibro, but as I see most of you as friends I'm going to ask this My 3 year old is being referred to hospital.its all started 6 weeks ago.she had tonsillitis .she was shaking and her lips went blue. I though of dear she cold and wrapped her up.spin forward two weeks she was...
  8. N

    I'm in a bad situation that is turning scary

    My dad made me go see doctor for a second opinion on my fibro diagnosis because he didn't belive that I had fibro, but his doctor also diagnosed me. I've become dependant on my dad and live at his house (very long story short, it was my grandpa's house and i was living here to take care him...
  9. Forgetmenot


    So I had the dreaded meeting. I was told dont take any meds the day before u on the day I hurt. I had to go right down the end of the corridor. I had to stop 3 times. She asked me a few questions but not as many as I thought. I had to stand up sit down I just couldn't get comfy.the funny...
  10. G

    Going to a Rheumotologist for the first time

    I am almost 99.99% sure that what I have has to be Fibromyalgia. I have a long history with anxiety. My father passed away in 2008 from lung/stomach cancer that was very quick less than 6 months from diagnosis and my mom passed in 2009 from early onset alzheimers. Both were 60/58 years young...