
  1. Z

    Golden Sea Cumber helps fibromyalgia ?

    Hello ! I am 60 years old. I am new to this forum, but unfortunately not new to fibro. I `ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9-10 years ago, but was experiencing all those symptoms for many years before that . I was having pain in the muscles of my legs and arms. Then I start having pain...
  2. J

    Just Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this group, I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia yesterday. I guess I kind of got lucky that it didn't take too long to diagnose because I'd already had a ton of blood tests, scans and specialist visits for fatigue and GI problems that started a year ago (which ended...
  3. C

    "Must lie down now" but can't. Ideas?

    At the same time each day at work, I get an overwhelming urge to lie down. It feels like there's no blood getting to my head, like I'm going to pass out, I start getting a horrible headache. I feel shaky and can't think a coherent thought to save my life. This feeling gets worse and worse until...
  4. S

    Sleep - the most alternative and natural cure of all!

    My doctor has me doing things differently at night so I not only fall asleep, but sleep well. I'm taking a mixture of herbs and melatonin 20 minutes before bed, and it's helping tremendously. I used to take valerian root on its own to help me sleep, and it was moderately helpful. This herb...
  5. A

    Really Exhausted

    I work as a high school teacher. I teach four classes, three of which are freshmen. Then I coach for two and a half hours in the afternoon. In all I spend 11-12 hours at work every day. When I mention that it is stressful or hard or tiring, I frequently get asked if I think I'm more tired than...
  6. B

    Histamine & Fibromyalgia.

    Hi everyone. I've had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for about 17 years. My sister has chronic fatigue and sinus problems that debilitate her. We have found out that histamines in food can cause these symptoms. We have been on a low-histamine diet for a month and now have started taking an...
  7. K

    just joined forum

    my day starts by waking and feeling as though I've been run over by a mack truck. Very stiff, but some days better than others. I try to do the best I can as I volunteer at a cat shelter, but lately haven't been able to bend, scoop litters, bend to clean food and water bowls...just a bad flare...
  8. W

    Helping in a small way

    I have a friend over a few hours a week (we have a weekly gaming group). I don't really form a major part of her treatment. She's been having trouble, and it flares up. I know she's a bit self-conscious about it. I don't fully understand Fibromyalgia, but I have problems of my own and I'm more...
  9. D

    I'm a Mom

    I'm a mom and my kids were 2 & 4 when I got sick: Now they are 10 & 12. They do not know the "real" me. They don't remember how I was. I had to stop carrying my two year old around back then and that is hard for a baby girl. I could no longer hold her. I am sad that the mom they got is...
  10. Whyfor

    Hello, Kindly People!

    Hello to all of you! You seem like such a nice community, and while I admit I've never joined a forum particular to my currently unknown condition, I must say, I feel both excited and nervous! So, here's my story, put as simply as I can manage: I am a 27 year old female with a ten year history...