20 hours of sleep

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New member
Jun 4, 2015
Hi everyone

With my fibro I have learned to take the pain that comes with it. Someday it gets me down someday not so much. I can sleep 20 hours a day and still be tired. I am not exaggerating over the number of sleep hours. My husband is very understanding but it gets discouraging to him, it's like he doesn't have a wife. It's discouraging to me because I don't have a life. I mIss out on so many things I used to love to do. When I am asleep I am almost comatose. I don't speak coherently, and don't even remember the conversation.

I take the fatigued to fantastic vitamin powder, d ribose, and a supplement for adrenal fatigue. I am 40 years old and just don't know what to do anymore. My husband asked me today if I thought if he pushed me out of bed to do something would it help. But, when you are so tired you don't see how it will help. I am tired of missing out on life. If this is what my lIfe is going to be like I might as well just admit myself to a care facility and live out my days there.

Can anyone share if they sleep this long and what has worked for them?
U need to get the right kind of sleep.when your not getting into all stages of sleep ,your body doesn't rest and all the sleep in the world won't help.
Just because you seem in a deep sleep doesn't mean I are.
I take amitriopline 75 mg that a high dose btw.
But it puts me in to the right sleep. I used to sleep hours ,now I sleep 8.
Ask your Dr for something .
Hi there. As Forgetmenot said, good restorative sleep is sooo important; for fatigue and pain. My doc prescribed Trazadone (50-100mg) that helps me get a better night's sleep when pain is not keeping me awake. Trazadone is an old antidepressant that is used mostly as a sleep aid now.

Another thing to consider is depression, which can lead to sleeping long hours. You might ask your doc about an anti-depressant. There are a number of those that are also used for fibro pain that also help depression and sleep, such as amiltriptyline, nortriptyline, and Cymbalta. If you want to avoid medications, there are sleep aids like melatonin that might be helpful. If you are depressed, counseling is a good step. It's also a good idea for chronic fatigue to help you find ways to cope.

Try some gentle exercise but avoid overexertion. Try getting up, even if you still feel tired or fatigued, even for just 15 minutes. Set small goals, like taking a shower. There are some days that fatigue overwhelms me and I have zero energy. I try to avoid sleeping because I try to maintain a good sleep schedule. So, I'll rest in my chair or out in the fresh air. I do take a nap almost every day just after lunch and sleep for about an hour. It does help with energy for the latter part of the day.

It looks like you're taking a decent supplement for fatigue, but have your B12 levels checked. Low levels, even on the lower end of "normal" can add to fatigue. B12 tablets taken under your tongue (sublingual) is much more readily absorbed and available than B12 that goes to your stomach first. Just wait until the tablet is completely absorbed before you drink anything. I have a medical condition that prevents me from absorbing B12 so I give myself injections twice a month. Until I started doing this I had NO energy.

Good lick!
as patloft and forget said your not getting the healing sleep. you are waking up about every two -three hours and going back to sleep.
once you wake up even of a minute your body will need another half hour to get back into the REM sleep. the things you are taking are not helping you.

try the meds they spoke of.

i had fatigue so bad that i would sit down on the cough with a bowl of say cereal. i would wake up a few hours later with the spoon in my hand and cereal still there. dont let it get you to that point.

set a sleep schedule and hot shower before bed. try breathing exercises as you lay there. no computer or TV one hour before bed time.

get up in the morning and do breathing exercises. keep moving throughout the day. check into depression with your doctor.
cover the windows in the bedroom with foil. this will calm and relax you.

do the b=12 shots. take a nap and stop sleeping 20 wasted hours a day. more sleep is not helping your pain levels.

being active will help your pain level. have your hubby help you to the shower after the stretching and breathing exercises.

eat a good breakfast.

so much you can do to help your self. just learn what to do and what you have.

read my post under general discussion called what is firboymalgia.

you can do this. you have a supportive family.
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