Daydreaming of a dog for company.. advice?

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Oct 15, 2015
I've been dreaming of a dog, wondering if it would be a good fit for me. Are there any of you who love your dogs that can chime in? Or if any of you have felt that it's too much? I had a dog as a child and so I know I love them, but I'm not sure how dogs work with chronic illness. I have to spend most of my time these days in bed.

I love the idea of companionship...... a little personality laying next to me in the bed while I rest all day. I get lonely while my husband is at work and I can't work or attend social things to keep me busy all day. I do pretty well with hobbies, but it would be so nice to have someone to talk to, even if they can't talk back :) I've been researching non shedding companion dogs, and there seem to be a lot of great choices. The fears for me would be the work of taking care of a dog when I struggle to take care of myself on so many days. My husband would be able to help me though, and he's usually home every night after work. We live in a condo right now and taking a dog out to go to the bathroom all day is more than I can handle right now with my fatigue... but we are dreaming of buying a house in the next few years and then we could have a doggie door and a fenced backyard which would make that so much easier. My other worry is my insomnia... I am SUCH a light sleeper and any chance I can get my body to sleep in till noon, I take because I get VERY little sleep at night. I wouldn't want a dog to wake me when it needs attention in the morning....though maybe if it was sleeping with me in the bed it would be happy to just be snuggling? I would be able to give it lots of attention for the rest of the day as I am almost always home, but I wouldn't be able to do much real active playing. I would need a low energy dog, but my husband could take it for a walk a few days a week.
I just want it to be the best life for the dog, but also for me. And it's such a huge responsibility and commitment and I have cold feet to take the leap with all my limitations. It would be horrible to get a dog and realize it was too much for us. I also know there would be a transitional time after getting a dog where we establish behaviors and routine.. and that would take some extra energy but would totally pay off, I'm just tired when I think of the extra energy part :)
So what do you think, everyone? I'd love to hear about your furry friends. Is it worth it? My gut says yes but to wait until I'm having a better year..... or maybe it's just the kind of pick-me-up I need right now?
Thats a hard one Sarah because dogs do need to be let out or taken for a walk..i guess it depends on the breed and age of the dog. A puppy needs lots of training and attention an older rescue dog might be more sleepy but i dont think any dog will cuddle up and snuggle until miday without being let out and fed and to be honest most need a daily walk.

Have you thought about an indoor cat...they can be super cuddly and independant at the same time and could 'live' in another room at night and come up with you when you wake up. Again they do need feeding first thing in the morning but I guess your husband could do that.

It depends if you like cats. I had two beautiful ginger tom cats who were my babies. They were pampered and adored by me and it broke my heart when they died in the last couple of years but they were 17 and 18 which is a very old age for cats.

They certainly helped me giving unconditional love especially after i got fibro they were my cuddly companions.

My fibro is much worse now and even a cat or kitten would probably be too much for me now...regular cleaning litter trays for kittens or if you need to keep them in ...vets visits if they get sick or need vaccinations when i have to rely on someone else to do it remembering any pet is for years and deserves the best life too.

Good Luck i would love it to work out for you.
Hi Sarah. I fully get where you are coming from; the idea of companionship would be nice, but yeah, dogs are a huge responsibility and amount of work, and on days where things go south, that could be a problem. I find my cat is good. She's 3, I have quite a few toys for her to entertain hersellf with and a laser pointer so I can play with her. Plus, cats sleep a lot and she curls up with me when I rest. Or sleeps on my chest when I'm lying on the couch. Very waqrm and comforting and petting her is calming. Something to think about.
Thanks willow & ellabrighteyes
It is a lot to think about.... :)
I have a dog,he is a 4 year golden retriever that we got just before my diagnosis. He is great company while hubby is at work but he also needs a lot of attention. Most days I can let him out when needed and we have a big fenced yard so he can go out and run around but other days when I am in a flare it is hard to handle him. I am just recovering from a bad flare that had me bed ridden for two days and still recovering 2 weeks later. My husband is the only one working/supporting us so he needs to work and we had to kennel our dog when hubby had to go out because I couldn't care for or supervise our dog. So you really need to consider age, breed and your ability before bringing pet into your home. Hope this helps you in your decision and best of luck.
Thank you for sharing TinaL. I will definitely have to keep that in mind. My husband doesn't leave a lot, but if he was gone for a weekend that would be a lot harder on me.
Well I had a dog who died this year. It made me walk even on really bad days. A little lap dog would be fine for cuddles and not such long walks .but all dogs need walks.
I wounded if a cat would be better fit for u. Or like me a rat. Because fancy rats are as smart as dogs, don't believe me look on YouTube.
The tricks mind does is so cool and keeps me busy .
But a cat would love cuddles would walk itself and u don't have to worry about being in bed.
Btw u can get hairless cats and rats to x
I have seen hairless cats before, they look so funny but I guess I wouldn't have to worry about the hair being everywhere. Thanks for the advice! I'm think it's awesome that your rat does tricks! :)
Ah i can't imagine a hairless cat i will have a look. But the beauty of having a cat is cuddling their lovely soft furry bodies and tickling their fluffy tummies.

If you like cats they are lovely companions if you pick one that is gentle and likes close contact.

One of mine was more cuddly than a child. He wanted kisses and face rubs and to be picked up before i could even make a cup of tea in the morning. He would plonk himself on me wrap his paws around my neck demanding love and attention.

Sometimes he would settle in his own soft bed but inevitably as soon as i was in the room he would wake up and curl up in my arms and would tap my arm or face for more stroking if he wanted more.

He would actually get in the bed and curl up paws wrapped over my waist and later come up for air and get comfy up round my chest with his cute face peeping out of the covers.

Both cats followed me round the garden and would argue about which one could get the closest if we all sat on the bench...truly they brought me years of pleasure.

It is a reason to get up as well to feed them and their welcome and need for you lifts your spirits....sorry to ramble as i am reminiscing a bit as i miss them a lot.
I've never thought of myself as a cat person, but they do seem to require less care. But any animal following me around wherever I go... that's the dream. I want a pet that is obsessed with me :)
Your cats sound like they were really special, I'm glad you got to have them.
Hello. I have had dogs all of my life. I currently have 2. Ealrly this summer our lovely 16 year old died after a long wonderful life. I have also fostered them. I firmly believe in rescuing dogs because so many need a good home. I can't stress enough the importance of getting a dog to match you and your family's energy. Look for one with a reputable rescue group that has been crate trained, potty trained and socialized. Be consistent on training and house rules. Consider an adult dog. When I'm not well my husband walks our dogs. We have also trained them to walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes at a time. Small dogs like chihuahuas ( crazy ones are not properly trained)are very easy to drain of energy (no yard needed)and love to cuddle. They all have their own bed, and crate with nice soft blankets and chew toy. I also let them lay with me when I invite them to do so. Even on bad days we all need structure and to move around it's easier with a furry buddy. My dogs help me so much. They cuddle and keep me warm, and I make sure they have structure, love and human interaction. For training assistance consider watching Cesar Milan " The Dog Whisperer" . His books are very good too. I hope this helps.
yes.... a high energy dog would be a disaster for me, I would need to find a good match for sure. I love that you said that moving around is easier with a furry buddy, I feel like that perfectly describes the companionship I am looking for. Animals have such great capacity for love and I have so much love to give them. I have been reading a lot about the importance of socialization for dogs and that's definitely something I will put thought into. And I am very open to an adult dog, that's a good point. Thanks for your advice, it really helps! And a dog on a treadmill? That's impressive!
Yes i had never heard of a dog on a treadmill. Great advice from Sylvie who clearly knows about dogs and breeds etc that may be suitable.

Shame you dont like cats as they are lots easier but again they are not all cuddly like mine and you would either need to raise a kitten in which case the way you handle them and treat them helps shape their nature or if you had a rescue cat that was older you can meet him/her a few times and see if you bond and if they like to be picked up and handled,

With either dogs or cats if you get a rescue you can speak at length with rescue centre staff about your situation and they can match you with a suitable pet.
wanted to get into this discussion.. hehe i have dogs, i have 2 of them...
they are chinese crested naked dogs. i love them to bits. it is hard at times with the going for walks, but i can let them out in the garden for pee and poop duties. and ofc i take them for walks once a day, atleast when i feel up to it.

i think a dog is wonderful to have, altho the breed of dog is the most important thing when it comes to activity and so on.

If you want a dog, i would suggest you go for a smaller breed, and get a breed that doesnt "need" alot of exercise. my little ones are an active breed, but can be very active indoors with various activities. they are happy to be indoors all day, but love to go for walks as well.

And a dog will also get you out of the house, they give you a good reason to go for a stroll every day. But since we are struggelig as much as we do, make sure you go for a small breed of dog, because you can easier give them activities indoors.

hugz to all

feel free to ask about good breeds that can fit your needs.

This is my hobby, i love my dogs, and i do dogshows as well...
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