experiences with neurontin

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Active member
Jul 4, 2013
Hello, everyone.....I know this has probably been discussed, but frankly didn't want to search through everything. I hope you don't mind my asking about Neurontin, or gabapentin again. I'm going to try it, starting off extremely slowly. I'm concerned about weight gain, as I've lost 60 lbs. this year, and I refuse to take anything if it even begins to put any back on!

So would any of you be willing to share your experiences with me about this drug? I really appreciate it. BTW, I don't have burning, stinging kind of pain...just achy.

Thanks so much!
Hi , I had burning pain ALL over my body and started out with 1800mg per day along with Cymbalta. I am not sure if it was the neurontin alone or the cymbalta or the combination but I gained 10lbs in 2 months, which is a lot for me. I am only 5'3". Anyway, I was then put on Savella, but that didn't help entirely, so my doctor added the neurontin, but a lower dose. I now take 1200mg per day and that seems to be working ok. I have lost the 5 of the 10 lbs so I guess I'm on the right track.
Fibrogal, I started taking gabapentin several years ago when I was diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome at a very low dose. I am now taking 200 mg 3 times a day. It made me very tired, so I didn't have much energy to exercise so it slowed down my metabolism. I guess over the course of about 2 years, I gained about 5 lbs. Like, mweber, I am only 5'2", so that is a lot for me, but the gabapentin definitely helped with the nerve pain. About 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with fibro and the same Dr. put me on 10 mg of Cymbalta once daily. The Cymbalta has decreased my appetite, which in turn has helped me lose 2 lbs so far. Plus, I walk and ride my bike every day. The Cymbalta seems to help as well. Dr. said they work well together. Is your Dr wanting you to try gabapentin?
Neurotin can be helpful for some people. I did not have any such luck unfortunately. I never got to the point of gaining weight. I actually was not on the medicine for that long. I became very dizzy and felt so faint on it. My doctor has me stop taking it after quite a short time.
Thank you, all, for sharing your experiences. Kmpisces, believe me, if I start having debilitating side effects that make me feel worse, I'll stop, too.
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