Feeling low


New member
Jan 20, 2024
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
Morning @male

I just want to say hello, and am sorry you are like this right now. I don't think that's uncommon working with a chronic illness to be down, even depressed. Things can seem pretty bleak and overwhelming. It can affect so many aspects of our live, work, relationships of all kinds. Life may have altered in a way that we never expected and definitely don't want.

Have you read @sunkacola thread on newly diagnosed? Full of info and advice.

In no way patronising I think your being able to write this honest post a very strong positive attitude. You aren't alone in this and I hope someone else can offer some better practical advice.

Please don't hesitate to contact a gp it doesn't always mean medication, I have been referred for talking therapy on the NHS which helped a lot. Try to be honest with a trusted person around you, and always on this forum. Think a lot of us do that brave face thing while underneath things are whirling about our minds and bodies.

Take care,
Thank you sbee
I was just feeling low last night. I get up every morning at 6am to go to work, I'm a builder and I think that I was just dreading going to work. I'm always so tired and my whole body aches I sometimes think what's the point next year way that my condition is going I honestly don't think that I will be able to walk. Is life fair I suffered with colitis for 8 years until I had the operation, but no operation will free me from this 😢

I am one of the ones that doesn't have the pain (though maybe it's just starting), but I do know how down I can get with fibro. I tend to think it has its own little 'cloud of depression" that follows us at times, like the little clouds above cartoon characters :)

I have found just being on these forums helps immensely, as you will come across people with near identical issues, maybe on the other side of the world, but it helps knowing you are not alone,

The anonymity of the site is also great, no need to hide behind fake happy face, it's very safe to just be yourself.

Hope you feel a bit brighter soon 🤗🤗🤗
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
I get like this sometimes. In fact, yesterday was a very low day for me. Same thing as you. I feel lonely and alone more often than I would like. I just want to say that I empathize.

Have you talked with your doctor about being screened for major depressive disorder? If you do have MDD, there are medications that might help.

Please try to focus on all of the good things in your life and be grateful for those. Be present in the moment. Do not dwell on the past or worry about the future. Be grateful for all that you do have. I find that this helps me get through these times. And always, always pick up the phone and call a friend, someone you can confide in and who will listen to you without judgment. Sometimes a friend can make all the difference in the world.

I'm there with you. Big hugs my friend!
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
Hi @male I wanted to check in and see how you are doing at the moment! I hope the depression has eased a bit and you're able to start feeling your connections in your life again. Please take good care of yourself and reach out to professionals if needed. Wishing you hope and healing!
Thank you
Everyone who replied to my post I didn't realise that there's so many nice people out there. I really do feel fine now I was just in a bad place, it's the constant pain that gets me down sometimes. Once again thank you all for your support 🙏
We get it, you are not alone! You are absolutely allowed those down days, it's understandable. I say you can visit pitty city, you just can't stay there.

This is a fantastic group of people who understandable. It's great having this community to check in with, vent, share success and ask questions.

I'm so glad today is a better day for you! 🤗
We get it, you are not alone! You are absolutely allowed those down days, it's understandable. I say you can visit pitty city, you just can't stay there.

@SweetWithSour that's such a good way to put it! I kind of let myself have some time where I am angry, sad or scared then give myself a mental slap,pick myself up and carry on, We deserve some realistic time to feel like this, it's natural. I'm no Angel who swans about in a total bliss - I hurt physically and emotionally - but yet try not to dwell on things for too long. Because for me,that worsens things
I'm so glad today is a better day for you! 🤗

Yes @male, that's really good to hear.
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
I foften feel a generalized depression for which I can't identify a cause as well. I came across a self-help book by Kathleen DesMaisons, who has a Ph.D in Addictive Nutrition, called Potatoes, Not Prozac. She discovered a correlation among blood sugar, seratonin and endorphones, particularly for people who have a heightened sensitivity to sugar, and developed a nutritional life style change plan (not diet) that would help balance these three chemicals and reduce the likelihood of relapse in alcohol/drug recovery. She also discovered that many adults with addictions such as alcohol (as well as their children) have sugar sensitivity. with corresponding low levels of beta endorphine.

An imbalance in one of these biochemicals affect mood and behaviour. Since the body's form of usable sugar is glucose, sugar, she claims, is essentially a drug which has to be converted to glucose. Low blood sugar can cause tiredness, restlessness, inability to focus, confusion, poor memory as well as irritability and anger. Low levels of seratonin can cause depression, impulsiveness, short attention span, a blocked or scattered feeling, anger outbursts, reactivity as well as craving for sweets and simple carbohydrates like bread, cereal and pasta. Low levels of beta endorphin can result in low pain tolerance, tearfulness and reactivity, low self-esteem, overwhelm from other people's pain, feelings of isolation, depression and hopelessness, prone to emotional overwhelm, feeling wronged by others as well as sugar cravings.
People who are sugar sensitive (i.e. like and need it) respond to it differently both psychologically and biochemically. It has a more volatile blood sugar reaction to sweet foods and a powerful effect on your feelings. The blood sugar spikes quickly, as does the level of insulin to counteract it, resulting in a quick, steep drop in blood sugar. The adrenal glands are also activated to release adrenaline.

At the same time, a shortage of neuroreceptors in the brain can prevent activation of , and therefore a behavioral response to, the neurotransmitter seratonin. If too much seratonin or beta-endorphines (the physical and emotional painkiller) are released, the brain downregulates by shutting down receptors to the neurotransmitter, so in the case of endorphines, you need more of a painkiller to have the same previous effect. If there are not enough of these neurochemicals, the brain attempts to achieve homeostasis by upregulating, opening up more receptors to these neurotransmitters. Another way the brain strives for equilibrium is through withdrawal, when a physical dependence arises on the substance which alters the body's natural state and the brain becomes accustomed to the higher levels seratonin or endorphins.

Kathleen goes on to describe the nutrition chemistry involved in all of this. It makes sense to me and it is drug-free (my preferred approach). I will let you know the results when I finish the book and apply it (the hardest part, lol..."to be determined")
I foften feel a generalized depression for which I can't identify a cause as well. I came across a self-help book by Kathleen DesMaisons, who has a Ph.D in Addictive Nutrition, called Potatoes, Not Prozac. She discovered a correlation among blood sugar, seratonin and endorphones, particularly for people who have a heightened sensitivity to sugar,
Very interesting read indeed (my brain started to fail, but I got most of it ).

About 20 years ago, a naturopath told me I had thyroid issues and a sugar imbalance. She suggested I swap for low GI foods, not as a 'diet' but opting low GI over other types of food. She said the thyroid would not show on blood tests yet, but low GI would help support it now. It was a few years before it showed on blood tests.

Prior to that visit, I would have sugar craves, mostly satisfied with a slice of bread and honey, or even just honey on a spoon. That being said, I've never been a sweets eater, dessert yes, but confectionery, no. No carbonated drinks, either.

I've found that if I keep the sugar evened out, I rarely have craves, but when I do, I know I'm not balancing my foods correctly . I mean, it's simple for me, just make sure plenty of veg/salad and a bit of fruit in the mix. Fibro (now that I know it's that) makes me ..lazy, for want of a better word, as in, open the fridge, it all seems too hard, so heat a pie. Not good option, so on the good days, I cook a stew or such, and have some frozen, better food value than a pie for my sugar imbalance.

I'm not diabetic, nor pre-diabetic, so that makes sense, matches in with "Potatoes, Not Prozac" theory perfectly ;)
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
Fybromyalgia is a hidden illness that only the individual knows.u can tell your family but they will never fully understand the agony we are in.depression is a major part and the feelings of hopelessness is
I am feeling really depressed at the moment, I don't know why? I am like most people with fibromyalgia in pain all the time but I don't think that is why I'm feeling low. I try to make people happy all the time so that they don't see my sorrow. I feel lonely although I have a lot of people around me. 😕
fybromyalgia messes with every part of your life.due to the chronic pain nobody really understands the biology of exactly what’s happening to you.dont feel afraid of seeing a gp.they will give u advice and if u feel happy give it a try.Ive lived with fybro for 25 years and tried everything medicinal wise.try not to go down the opioid route if u can because coming off them can but not to everybody be horrendous.antidepressants are a good help if you find the right one.dont be embarrassed to give them a try.i take diazepam when I’m feeling really bad and down but everybody’s different.i hope you find the positivity to feel some kind of normality.there are plenty of threads and people on this site that are exactly like you.you will feel more positive discussing with others because fybro affects people differently.i’m glad you’ve got great friends who are there to support👍
That is the true gift of this group and others like it. Knowing that we're not alone in how we feel; seeing that there are others out there who empathize with us because they have experienced the very same thing. And then the compassion, kindness, support and love that flows from that.

In the beginning, the greatest benefit that I got from our forum were tips about how to manage fibromyalgia, pain relieving techniques, and basic knowledge about exactly what fibromyalgia is. Today, the greatest benefit that I get here is the daily support and lifting up of my spirit. It is comforting to hear from others that get you. And even more comforting to receive that outpouring of understanding and love, compassion.

I am happy to hear that you are doing better, and that in some small part perhaps we were able to contribute to comforting you and supporting you.

All humans wish to be understood, and all crave love. Unconditional love. Understanding. People Like Us need that even more, I believe. Every morning can seem daunting and every day holds the possibility of feeling like we're being tortured. We need what we get here so much! I know that I do. There are kind people in the world, and I can truthfully say that kindness abounds here in this forum. Our forum is indispensable to me, and is a very big part, a very significant part of my fibromyalgia management toolkit.

Again, I am so glad that you are feeling a little better, and more importantly, so glad that you found us and took that step to engage and open up honestly about your feelings.

As so many have already said, we are here for you just as you are here for us.