Itch hands and feet

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Senior member
May 16, 2022
Been a weird little ride with itching/allergies and it’s got me wondering what the chances are that fibro is causing my hands and feet to itch (and occasionally other things). Suspected that it was a soap but the itching continues even after I stopped using.
hands and feet to itch (and occasionally other things)
Don't know if I can be helpful here - my hands and feet are the only things that seldom itch from soap, water etc. But maybe it's just the same but the other way round for you.
I have very dry skin and now it's colder I have to reduce washing my hands to a minimum so their backs don't get raw and start bleeding. Rest of body means only one minute showers, carefully patting dry.
Nothing you can see I guess, like eczema? Up and coming psoriasis? My itchiness all over is never ever visible, but it drove me mad, wasn't able to concentrate on anything, till I realized it's water, something like Aquagenic Pruritus. Inside too, so have to drink calming almond milk rather than water or tea.
I do count it as an MCAS symptom, mast cells going bezerk, you praps too? Just you have more concentrated mast cells on hands and feet and me everywhere else?
@sweetkamie20 ---- As with any other new thing that starts happening, don't assume that it is related to or caused by the fibromyalgia. Go see your doctor and find out if it is something else.

If it is an allergy to the soap, it may take some time for it to settle down, but if it has been several weeks since you used the soap and it has not improved at all, then see your doctor. It could be something simple or something systemic, and either one may have an effective treatment. If you assume it's fibro you may be cutting yourself off from relief.

I do recommend, though, that if your doctor suggests a steriod of any kind as treatment, refuse it. Doing that will pretty much guarantee that you will only cause more problems.
Wow @JayCS, that’s a detailed regimen you have to follow 🫤 are you pretty certain it is water-related then? Like if you avoid water you wouldn’t have these problems?

I started wondering if mine was water related but since then I broke out in huge hives/welts on my stomach and back. The shower actually helped my stomach and back settle down. These welts keep appearing in the most random shapes- squiggly lines, chaotic lines, circles. anaphylaxis is something I deal with so I’m not too surprised but the source is baffling.
the picture is starting to clear up - the fabric softener. Hoping that by cleaning out the dryer drum will remove all residue 😅
are you pretty certain it is water-related then? Like if you avoid water you wouldn’t have these problems?
Well the less water contact I have the less my outside skin itches and from inside skin the less I have heartburn/reflux/GERD and pee frequency, that's 100% certain.
But it's quite a bit more complicated. It gets worse from things in the water, like soap, shampoo, chlorine. If I soap or let shampoo run over my whole body esp. face for a few seconds, that area may itch for 20-30 minutes, if longer for hours.

My outside skin is sensitive to quite a few things other than water, like synthetic textiles, incl. 2% lycra in socks too, sometimes even organic cotton is treated in a way that causes issues, not itchy though, makes me feel strong discomfort, sweaty, get fungi quick and more. Creaming it often makes it worse, even with organic stuff, altho that's better. This year I was more oversensitive to insect bites too, many grew and caused sleep problems until essential oils and/or cold showering helped.

And my inside skins are my 100s of food and drink intolerances, GI and bladder problems. Again it's avoidance of the triggers that gets all GI and some bladder symptoms under control.

Both my outside and inside skins are very sensitive to meds, so I often get enormous rashes, GERD or IBS-D. (Most supps are OK, but I need to be very careful with everything acidic: ascorbate instead of ascorbic acid, and encapsulating that and amino acids, which others can take without problems.)
that’s a detailed regimen you have to follow
Yup, my high quality of life and happiness is only possible thru an extremely detailed regimen. Before fibro I only had to think about my skins, back and nerves and could allow being a bit lax. With fibro and the jabs I only have a chance with "zero tolerance" to anything like these I can influence, cos there's enough I can't and the laxer the more build-up.
How's your liver function hun and blood sugar? You had any new blood tests lately? (also your thyroid) or could be allergies, or like was said could be a skin issue ( if there's other changes as well) itchy hands and feet are "really" annoying, I know when mine started up few years ago my liver enzymes were all over the place, might be worth seeing gp (if it's getting annoying)
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