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New member
Jul 5, 2023
Hi, this is my first time. So I hope I get it right.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome about 16 years ago. At first the Dr's thought I had MS but that was ruled. I was born with multiple birth defects. And, having other medical issues right now. I take Lamictal for the fibromyalgia.
I'm married but unable to have children.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your community.
Take care.
Welcome, Patricialitwak. I hope this forum is helpful to you. We are here to support one another.
Hi Patricia!
I take Lamictal for the fibromyalgia.
That's a strange one for fibro - lamotrigine/Lamictal isn't for that, but for epilepsy & bipolar.
But I can see a connection, as the supp/amino acid GABA reduces many of my fibro symptoms, via serotonin / muscle relaxation, as well as my focal seizures.
Was that perhaps the other way round in your case, you took it for seizures and discovered it helps the fibro? As my seizures aren't serious my neurologist and I agreed not to use meds.
Hi JayCS. I got confused. My neurontin is for my fibro. I take Lamictal for bipolar disorder, depressive type.
It's nice to meet you.
Have you tried any other things besides medication to manage your fibromyalgia? I wrote a post of advice on this, and if you have not already done so I suggest you read it and start trying things out. If you experiment in a diligent way you can find things that you can do that will really help in the management of your fibro symptoms.
Hi Sunakola, I read your article. Thanks for sharing it with me. I'm going to look more into it. I do alot of basic self helps. Like warm baths, a bed warmer etc. I read because I enjoy it. And it helps me depression and fibro fog.
I hope you're having a relaxing day.
Welcome, sorry to hear you are having a difficult time, I too have had fibromyalgia for over 16 years. Am waiting to see a neuro-ophthalmologist to confirm if I have MS as its effecting my eyes. I'm here if you ever want to chat. Cheers
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