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New member
Mar 24, 2014
Hello everyone. this is my first time on this forum and i want to discuss about the topic of Stress. I think stress is the main causes of body pain.when we going through lots of stress then we face that problem.

The main causes of stress is lack of proper sleep. its is fact, we have to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours in hole day, that is very necessary for healthy body. the second thing is smoking and alcohol that vices are very harmful for our try to avoid that bad habits fast, that make you physically unhealthy.
This is a very good topic. Stress is life, and while it is best not to hide from life in general, thoses of us with fibro often feel like we want too. Most people with fibro seem to have been very productive and got things done. But now in order to avoid stress we need to pace our selves and not over do and get plenty of good quality sleep like andymark says. Rest also improves health, as in doing hobbies or reading books, watching funny movies, treating ones self to a bubble bath or a slow nature walk. Or just laying on the sofa curled up under a blanket fresh from the dryer. Warm and cuddly.

Other ways of dealing with stress involve speaking with a mental health counsler to help us calm now and release harmful anxiety and depression. It helps to have a support group such as this forum, or helpful understanding family members. It also helps to vent and groan once in a while, whether you do it here or in your house, the idea is to release this nervousness and anger so your life can follow a more peaceful path.

I hope others will join in on this discussion and add their opinions on "Stress" for others to learn how to cut it in half and relax a bit. :)
I think that when we undergo a high degree of stress that we are more likely to be affected by stress. However, I don't think that having high stress in your life is necessarily the main contributing factor to experiencing pain in your life.
When I get stressed out, I can feel it physically. I get severe pain in my shoulder blades. It's what I describe as "white hot" pain. My husband says he can feel tense knots around my shoulder blades when I get stressed out. Sometimes I wonder if massage would be effective in getting rid of these stress areas. I definitely know that I'm stressed out when I start feeling achy, which is why I try really hard to not allow things to upset me. I know life will go on and there's just no point in getting upset about things to the point of making myself physically unwell.

I'm excited that it's officially spring because pretty soon, I'll be able to swim everyday and that always helps me de-stress!
I'm still working on controlling my stress. When I get really stressed out, two things happen. I get extremely tired and my right eye goes bananas with the twitching. Occasionally, meditation has helped with reducing stress, but when everything is really out of control, my mind is too worked up to relax. My daughter has recommended massage therapy. Apike, I have been looking into the usefulness of massage therapy and there has been a great deal of encouraging research that has shown it effective.
Yep, stress wears me out and uses up my limited supply of energy quickly. I actually had to quit my job so I could go full time into recovery, and the most helpful thing, by far, about quitting my job has been the lack of stress. I don't know what I would do without such a wonderful husband who can support me through this.
Agreed, Andymark! Smoking is just terrible for you, though I've read wine does present some health benefits, in extreme moderation. I have suffered from stress related problems since childhood but some great advice a doctor gave me was to practice my breathing. If I felt like I was too stressed he told me to take a deep breath inward and to slowly exhale over a period of 5 seconds. I've found it helps me in many situations!
The combination of stress and pain makes my husband hard to deal with sometime! He spends so much time being unhappy because he's worried about this or worried about that. Then, you get the added bonus of his chronic pain... It's a nightmare! I hate when he has his really bad days because I feel like there is something I should be able to do for him.
I feel bad for my husband because he has to deal with me constantly complaining about being in pain. He is a good sport about it, though. He's never mean to me and he tries to do what he can to help me. I know he would do housework for me if I asked him, but sometimes I just want the workout. I like to stay active because it lowers my stress levels. I enjoy cleaning because it actually takes my mind off other things. So I guess that one thing I do to keep stress levels down, lol.
Hi Andy! I was actually not very surprised to find out that stress, depression and fibro go hand in hand! For me stress has been the key to my pain! I think most of my intestinal issues have been caused by the high levels of stress I've had to deal with since I was a teen. I wish I had known better back then, maybe I'd not be where I am now... Not complaining! Just saying :P But seriously, we all need to put a lot effort in order to stop stress from stressing us, lol. Because there will always be stress in our lives... unless we all hit the jackpot, we never ever have to worry about bills and we can then move to a cottage somewhere in the north of France or Switzerland!
When I get stressed out, I can feel it physically. I get severe pain in my shoulder blades. It's what I describe as "white hot" pain. My husband says he can feel tense knots around my shoulder blades when I get stressed out. Sometimes I wonder if massage would be effective in getting rid of these stress areas. I definitely know that I'm stressed out when I start feeling achy, which is why I try really hard to not allow things to upset me. I know life will go on and there's just no point in getting upset about things to the point of making myself physically unwell.

I'm excited that it's officially spring because pretty soon, I'll be able to swim everyday and that always helps me de-stress!

I usually feel the stress in my stomach first! It's amazing how toxic stress can be to our bodies, right? I can feel it right in my stomach, I start bloating and my back start hurting because my GERD gets way worse. Sadly there is no way we can live a stress-free life, all we can do is be strong and never let stress affects us.

It seems being stressed is rather common nowadays, which is terrible, because stress used to be a life-saving response back when our ancestors were primitive beings and needed to be on the go and super alert all the time! Back when you could get eaten by anything hiding in the dark. Now we are victims of stress even if our car breaks down or if the power bill is too high.
Stress really sucks, it's so overwhelming. It's how it is these days, you have to do so much just to try and make ends meet.
Stress definitely makes things worse, but I believe part of that is somatization. I have severe PTSD, so at times my panic attacks or emotional responses trigger my fibromyalgia pain and migraines. My social anxieties also trigger migraines. Generally speaking, any stress causes me difficulty even eustress (positive stress like at my wedding; I was happy) and can trigger pain, exhaustion, and migraines. The exhaustion may or may not be in the realm of "normal", but being so happy you get a migraine definitely isn't.

I've been working on tackling stress through a few techniques. The first is organization. While I don't have this down yet, the more organized and planned out things are the less stress I have. I don't lose my keys, for example, because I put them on the same hook every time I come into the house. I know precisely where they go, and that's one minor annoyance off my back. The same goes with mail and other small routines.

In addition to organization I have worked on some mindfulness meditation and Tai Chi (which most of us could handle some of). It helps you center and focus yourself and allow the stress to leave without doing as much damage. This can also be accomplished through most creative hobbies: writing, art, music... anything that engages your creativity. Even if you're working on building a car (which is definitely creative) or doing a puzzle of some kind that counts. It allows you to focus the conscious part of your brain on something while the unconscious process the stress response.

In moments where I'm having a panic attack or am otherwise under extreme stress I turn to breathing exercises - they give me a few moments to focus deeply on something and try and soothe my body's panic response and get my heart rate and mind under control. I've used it to great effect after car accidents, during and after severe injuries, and while handling other people who are injured, frightened, or otherwise in extreme circumstances.
Stress is a killer. I know that we all experience at some point in our lives. I know that it can be a good thing to experience and that it can be very bad. Stress either motivates us to work toward the issue or to allows it to take over our body and weaken us. I am one who gets weakened all the time. I was a customer service representative, and I swear I was so stressed out my muscles were kinking up and causing me major pain. I got constant headaches, migraines to be exact. I was having panic attacks and was very depressed. I had to let that job go for these reasons. I was using up all of my FMLA due to the stress and the strain that job put on me. I have been working for over 15 years, and all of my jobs have been customer service. I am in no shape, form, or fashion a people person like that. I can deal some, but not all day, and that's what my jobs consisted of. I am now a stay at home mother, and I can say I am doing better, but I still have my days. Stress is everywhere.
I usually feel the stress in my stomach first! It's amazing how toxic stress can be to our bodies, right? I can feel it right in my stomach, I start bloating and my back start hurting because my GERD gets way worse. Sadly there is no way we can live a stress-free life, all we can do is be strong and never let stress affects us.

It seems being stressed is rather common nowadays, which is terrible, because stress used to be a life-saving response back when our ancestors were primitive beings and needed to be on the go and super alert all the time! Back when you could get eaten by anything hiding in the dark. Now we are victims of stress even if our car breaks down or if the power bill is too high.

Hi Trellum, for me it's also the stomach that immediately gets affected when I am stressed. Everything gets tight, as you say, and there is a feeling of dread. Some people need to vomit, for me it's loose bowels.
I have tried to "fight" it with breathing exercises and mental reorientation, but the my mind might be willing, whereas my body takes its own time to settle down again.
For me the worst is the sudden stress that I feel at night time, when some problem hits me with its full gravity. I actually get panic attacks and wake up soaked in sweat, trying to find solutions for my difficulties.
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