Janet L
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  • Hi Janet,

    My name is Kyle and I am a senior student at school in Australia. Part of my assessment for this term is to research a topic of my choice and I have decided to research the impact that Fibromyalgia has on the sufferer on a day to day basis. This is because my Mum suffers with FM and I would like to find the best ways to support her and better understand her symptoms.

    I have some questions I would like to post on this forum but I was hoping to get permission to do this from you before I go ahead.

    Would be great to hear back from you.

    hi janet i am new to this forum i have had fibro for 35 years i was in a car accident in 78 and another in 84 no i was not the driver but i had absalutly no relief at all there is not a single spot on my body that dos not hurt to tell you the truth i would rather have cancer at least thier evntuly an end to my pain naturly dont worry i love the lord and my life is in his hands but i dont want to sit idle any more i want to get involved some how
    This is a interesting book that I was completely saved my life, I am completely healed for 2 years and I have suffered from fibromyalgia and excruciating pain for 2 years, I took a lot of drugs, I saw a large number of rheumatologists, neurologists and pain control center, I was desperate, depressed and helpless, like many of you, I ran to helplessness and incomprehension doctors and I was very skeptical before reading this book, I thought "still a scam ..." but I've even tried natural therapies and techniques and it changed my life completely, I have no joint or muscle pain (when I was 14 spots), restful sleep, tone and energy excellent addition to any migraines or headaches, burns, restless legs and various disorders, I got my life back. This is a book written by a former fibromyalgia so she knows by heart the problem.
    You can find this book on the site
    hoping that it will help me as much as it is not incurable.
    very easy to translate.
    Hi Janet! If you are still interested in reading the fibromyalgia book, please send me your regular email address, or send an email to me at mrssbolton@gmail.com , and I will send you the file. It is a pdf file, so it can be viewed on a regular computer if you do not have an e-reader which is pdf compatible. Thank you!
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