Recent content by kait0220

  1. K

    VENT - nothing is helping me??

    I just want to say that all of you are wonderful and have made me tear up and feel a lot more hopeful. Eff2013 I'm giving myself a hug from you. I'm going to keep fighting and trying to take things more slowly. A big problem I have is getting all caught up in the worst case scenarios. Still...
  2. K

    Compression socks/stockings

    I got a pair of compression socks that leave the toes exposed and I thought that I would hate them but I really like them a lot. They are comfortable to wear walking and sleeping. NatraCure
  3. K

    Acupuncture for finger/hand pain?

    Hi all - my fibro symptoms seem to be the worst in terms of fatigue (sleepiness and muscle fatigue from doing basically anything) and hand/finger joint pain. I'm 28, not showing any signs of RA or carpal tunnel. Nothing I have tried seems to help with my hands. It does get a little worse with...
  4. K

    VENT - nothing is helping me??

    Thanks so much everyone ❤ I was having an extra bad day and venting really helped. Sometimes I just need to get all of my thoughts out. My family and friends don't quite understand. Even my doctors says "oh it's a GOOD thing to not have RA/Lupus/MS/etc.". Which, yeah, I don't want to have a...