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  • Hello,
    I have been living with chronic neck and shoulder pain for 6 yrs. now. I saw pain doc for 5 yrs., had physical therapy and meds with very little improvement. I have cervical facet arthritis with muscle spasms. Recently went to a female rheumatologist who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia based on being tender in most of the trigger points. She recommended that I see a psychiatrist because she felt my pain was being made worse by anxiety. My psych. doc changed the way I was taking my gabapentin. I had been taking 1200 mg at bedtime for 6 yrs. He recommended taking 400 mg three times daily. It has some sedating effect which helps my pain and cold air sensitivity. Finally getting some major relief after 6 yrs. of going from doctor to doctor. I would recommend going to a female doc that specializes in rheumatology or fibro, someone who really listens to how you feel. I hope you are able to find some answers and relief from your suffering.
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