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  • Hello twodimes, I just wanted to let you know that my sister lives in Atchison. I was just there over the summer for my nieces's wedding. Also I wanted to ask you how you got backpay from SSI? Nobody has ever mentioned to me that I would get backpay for SSI. How long between the time you filed and the time you got your money? I filed in May of 2014 and I still don't have an answer. I have gone before the ALJ and he sent me to see another psychologist whom I saw yesterday. The VE did suggest two jobs he thought I could do. One was as a maintenance worker (that was almost laughable) and one as a clerk that would have to deal with the public on a daily basis. I guess that's why the judge wanted another psych evaluation to see if I would be able to handle the public. He said the company would only allow one absence a month and thought I would need more than that. So now we wait. But like I said I would be interested in how you got backpay from SSI.
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