
  1. G

    It's not all about the pain

    Firstly let me say thankyou for providing such a supportive and informative site. This is the best one I have found so far. My journey with Fibro has been a bit of an unusual one. Having 2 bouts of Ross River Virus left me with CFS which I had thought to have managed reasonably well. However...
  2. T

    Night terrors

    HDTV a busy day yesterday..didn't get my "rest time" up at about 3 am off and on for a few hours... Then took my daughter back to school, the girls wanted to do some shopping I wasn't feeling to bad so nbd... Got home tidied up after dogs.. Went into bed at 10:30 of course I couldn't sleep...
  3. S

    New Member

    Hello< I'm Sindy> I've just been diagnosed with fibro. my ordeal started a year n half ago> been in and out of doctors rooms and ER's. Started suddenly one day- feeling faint and increased heart rate-thought I was having a heart attack. Started hyperventilating and pain sown my left arm> went...
  4. 1sweed

    Trouble Swallowing Food

    Now this might just be a problem I have but I was wondering if any of you have trouble swallowing certain foods? Like rice or meat, etc... I love rice, but the types of rice that are good for me, I can't swallow unless they are cooked in a soup or stew. Yesterday I got a craving or yellow rice...
  5. G

    Ruling out fibro

    HI Robyn No worries--choking once isn't a concern. Everyone chokes once in a while--everyone. Something starts to go down the trache instead of the esophagus, and our body naturally tires to eject it. Sounds like your body did what it is supposed to do. Sounds like you had a real rough...
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