
  1. T

    New here and sad...

    Hi all, sorry to join up and then immediately post a negative, but I've been reading threads and the understanding and support you all give is amazing! Since my diagnosis, I have been coping ok, painkillers don't help me at all, so I have to just deal with my pain and other symptoms. Lately...
  2. M

    After 30 years of Fibro, I am finally feeling Human again.

    This is my first post. I just have to tell someone how to get better. I was diagnosed back in 1991, when the term was relatively new. I managed to limp through work using FMLA until 2000 til I was almost ready to die.(2 of those years I was on leave for clinical depression) I did not start...
  3. A

    Motivational tips to continue physiotherapy for fibromyalgia

    Sup everyone. I'm personally not affected by fibromyalgia but my girlfriend is. She also suffers from occasional spondylitis. After consulting the doctor she's been advised to undergo physiotherapy. It started out well but her pain is so intolerable sometimes that she ends up weak and unable to...
  4. K

    New to forum. Fibro sucks.

    I am in my 40's. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago, after 5 years of misdiagnosis and doctors thinking i'm crazy. I had gone through extensive testing for Lyme, Lupus and MS. And doctors telling me I was depressed and that's why I felt the way I felt. I thought I WAS going crazy. My life was...
  5. cosmicbiscuit

    Road to proper diagnosis: I suspect it's fibromyalgia

    Hello to all forum members. I'm glad this community exists to help people that have been diagnosed and also the ones like me seeking for a proper diagnosis. Thanks for spending time trying to help others and sharing tips or just listening. I'll try to keep my case simple. I've had chronic...
  6. F

    Years of suffering, could it be Fibro?

    I’m about to turn 25. I’ve been sick for 6 years now, going into the 7th year. I have seen tons of doctors, including specialists at Cleveland Clinic, and have had many tests done, but not one doctor has been able to diagnose me. A couple doctors have even said that it’s all in my head and told...
  7. S

    Dark Place

    Hello Everyone, I need a vent to people who understand what we go through. I've been flaring pretty much the last 3 months due to it being winter where I am. I feel like I am in such a dark place right now, like I'm trying to climb out of a big hole but I just can't get out and keep falling to...
  8. F

    Dr say brain fog is just depression

    The Dr. I've been seeing for the last year keeps insisting that my brain fog is just depression. She also says there is no reason for me not to be working. A little background I am a 46 yo female who has worked physical jobs most my life. I was working in construction when I was first told...
  9. P

    Hi, I'm Peg and I have fibromyalgia

    Hello all, I've been posting on the forum a bit the past couple months, but thought I should make a proper (if very long-winded) introduction. Hi, I'm Peggy, and I have Fibromyalgia and Celiac Disease. I'm in my early thirties and live in Toronto. I work in publishing. I knit a lot. I have a...
  10. M


    Hi there I have been getting treatment for my fibro for about 4 years now . im on 12mg hydromorphone long acting and just recently my dose of 4mg of dilidud has been dropped to 2mg a day. I also go to a pain clinic when needed and get a lidocine and ketamaine infusion when necessary. (sorry...
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