
  1. T

    What is your dream job?

    My name is Katie, and I have Fibromyalgia. I'm only 22. I've attempted to work full-time, but I was fired for issues related to disability. I saw a disability lawyer after the incident, but she stated it would be very difficult to file and win as I did not have my doctor's support. Since then, I...
  2. B

    Do you work? What do you do?

    Hello! I am new to Fibromyalgia Forums. My GP is pretty sure I have fibro, and I'm seeing a rheumatologist soon. My biggest concern right now is knowing more about what living with fibromyalgia is like, and how it effects your career or job? Are you able to work? What kind of jobs do any of...
  3. B

    New to the Forum

    Hello, I've been having a fibro flare up recently, so I thought that I would join the discussion. I've had fibromyalgia since 2007 or so. I have to admit that it's been so long that I don't remember exactly. I changed jobs, and have been feeling pretty good, so I haven't been to the...
  4. A

    Job opinions

    I'm new here but really struggling what to do with my life. I was diagnosed with fibro in appx 2011, although I suspect I had it much longer, at that time I had worked as a medical Transcriptionist for 11 years. Finally I had to quit due to pain in 2012. After that I went back to get my...
  5. 1sweed

    How To Manage On A Tight Budget With Fibro

    I have always struggled with this issue as lots of times I had to make a choice between eating healthy or going to the doctor or buying medication. With any health plan this is always going to be tough for those of us that live on a very small income. My disability income is less than $500 a...
  6. C

    Fibro and working full time +

    I work full time in a high stress, mentally demanding and sometimes physically demanding job. I work with profoundly autistic high school students ages ranging 14-21. I also provide respite for a teen with profound autism on occasional evenings and weekends as well as tutor math a couple...
  7. I

    Need some advice

    I am a bit lost and feel totally lazy and guilty right now. I would like some advice if possible. I am a male in my mid 30s and i have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 9 years ago, and addison disease about 7 years ago. I did well for the first 3 years with addison. I was working full...
  8. F

    Dr say brain fog is just depression

    The Dr. I've been seeing for the last year keeps insisting that my brain fog is just depression. She also says there is no reason for me not to be working. A little background I am a 46 yo female who has worked physical jobs most my life. I was working in construction when I was first told...
  9. 1sweed

    Planning My Days

    It always seems that I have the best intentions for getting my chores and personal needs done and yet when pain is severe I feel like I am letting myself down, as well as, my friends. So I set up a way to help myself cope and not feel as guilty when everything can not get done like it did before...
  10. K

    Trying to Determine Whether I Have FM - Kindly Request Your Feedback

    I just found this forum and am very thankful for it. I am hopeful that someone here can help me pre-determine whether I have FM or not as it has been quite a journey these past three months and I will try to keep things as short and concise as possible: Dec '16: Started with right lower back...
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