
  1. S

    Seeking Help for Samson

    I am a Fibro sufferer who has lost everything including my job, my house, my car and now my ability to live alone. I am trying to raise money so that I can get a mobility scooter so that I can keep the love of my life, Samson. Samson is my 100 lb old english sheepdog. I have lost my ability...
  2. S

    Fibromyalgia - a thief in the night

    Fibromyalgia has stolen my life. I have lost my ability to work, then my home and my car during bankruptcy and now my ability to live alone so I sleep in my sisters dining room. In addition to Fibro, I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Extreme Hypothyroidism (thanks to the graves disease...
  3. P


    Hi all Ive just come across this forum on facebook, I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2006, I also have arthritis, COPD. I can no longer walk a great distance but still manage to walk(?) my lurcher, Sophie Soppy Dog, as I use a scooter. :D
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